
568 13 11

Its been around 10 minutes since joao left with magui and I decided not to wait for him to come back so i got up from the bar and went looking for my uncle to waste some time.

I saw my uncle talking to some random people, probably his mangers but I didn't want to interrupt him so I decided to go back to the bar and chill, maybe joao left with magui?

I honestly don't know why I care but I got a little jealous that magui gets him, joao is really sweet and understanding. How could you cheat on someone like him, I just don't understand this girls thoughts.

My thoughts get ruined when a kinda short boy sits next to me. I turn and see gavi, I didn't really know him like that but I know he was a good soccer player that played for Spain. "Hey beautiful, the name is Pablo Gavi but you can call me just gavi." he smiled and ordered a drink.

I could immediately tell he was drunk by the way he slurred his words but I ignored it. " Well hi Gavi, my name is y/n. I reached my hand out and he shook it. "Nice meeting you gavi" I looked around and still saw no joao. at this point I'm starting to think he left with magui and probably went to go have stress sex.

he seems like the type that would be very closed off but once he falls in love, he is stuck and will always forgive that person. I think that's what is happening with magui and him right now. I ignore that thought because its not even my problem. I shouldn't be worried about joao and his love life when I have a cute boy in front of me trying to drunk flirt.

gavi kept talking for around 5 minutes non stop and I couldn't even get one word in. He would interrupt me and continue talking. I got a huge ick from that and then I decided to go home.

"Gavi I think I'm gonna call it for tonight." I stand up until he grabs my shoulders and pushes me down into my seat. " No you aren't leaving me, you're coming home with me I don't care." As cute as this boy is, he is not telling me what to do.

"Bro what is with you tonight, leave her alone." I turn my head and see a pissed off joao coming towards us. He took my hand and told gavi off as we went outside.

"Im sorry I took so long, trust me I didn't want to be with her outside for 20 minutes." He laughs softly trying to bring up my mood. He could tell I was kind of annoyed he left me for so long.

"Its fine but how did it go? what did she want to talk about?" I asked. I know its not my business but I was a curious person and I wanted to know what that ugly bitch wanted to say.

" Honestly she just kept talking about the whole situation and how sorry she was, and how she wouldn't do it again but she kept asking me to continue dating her" there's no way this cheating ass bitch asked for another chance, but I have a bad feeling he said yes.

"so?" I asked him curious of what he told magui. "what do you mean so?" he stared at me confused, not knowing what I meant. We walked to the valet drivers and got our keys.

" Did you take her back or no?" I told him in a ' obviously tone'. He opened his mouth " ohhhhh are you stupid? of course I didn't take her back, I'm not that stupid y/n" He walked with me to my car.

turns out that our cars were parked next to each other and we had no clue. "Well I'm glad you didn't fall for the same trick but I think I should head home" he nods his head and checks the time. it was already 10:30pm.

" Yeah its getting late, and I have practice tomorrow morning at 7am" I laughed at him because I felt sorry for him. well I feel bad for all the soccer players having to wake up so early every morning for practice.

"That sucks but thank you for tonight joao, even though you did ghost me for a little" I joke with him. He smiled and says no problem.

I decided to be a little bold and I walked closer to him, our faces were close " no seriously thank you" I say in a soft tone. I can tell he starts to get nervous because his breath quickens. I moved my face and kissed his cheek.

I walked over to my car and he was still standing there shocked but waves me bye as he gets in his car. I tried to head home as soon as possible because it was already near 11 and I was already tired.

By the time I got home it was 12am and I was exhausted. I hop in the shower and take off my makeup and head to bed.


hey guysss, this was a long chapter but lmk if you guys are liking the storyyyyy

enjoy the next chapters and I will update soon ;)

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