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Hey guys!!! First chapter for 2023.

im lowkey so shocked how fucking quick this year ended but I finally decided to post and update you guysss.

But before I go,

DID YOU SEE JOAO'S FUCKING STORY W HIS EX. IM SO MAD THEYRE DATING AGAIN BRUH but I guess if her annoying cheating ass makes him happy then we should respect it :(((((

okay okay enjoy the story I love you guysssss


When Joao walked in, he looked amazing and all my attention was on him that I didn't even see a blonde headed girl grabbing his arm. There's no fucking way he got back with her so quickly, they walk towards me and I take a deep breathe because I know shit is about to break lose and I just have to not say something slick.

When walking towards me you can see she didn't like the fact Joao wanted to come talk to me, so she give me the dirtiest look but I ignored it.

"Hey y/n, I didn't know you were gonna be here" he looked a little nervous, like he was unsure what to say next. "yeah my uncle invited me last minute" I look her up and down trying not to show the disgust on my face, he could tell I was being dry and he knew exactly why.

"Babyyyy I want to go get a drink at the bar, lets goooo" she literally whined like a fucking child. he looked at me and apologized with his eyes and took her to the bar. I'm so surprised he likes girls like her but whatever. Ill go look for another guy instead.

I start to walk up to my uncle and he introduced me to many of his friends, teammates, and manger. I made eye contact with Joao a lot and I mean a lot. you would think he's paying attention to his girlfriend but no. His eyes were on me whenever I talked to a guy.

That's weird asf because he's literally back with his girlfriend. I look at her and understand why, she's really pretty but her actions weren't. No one deserves to get cheated on THREE times, I pull my uncle aside and ask him if my friend was allowed to be invited and he said of course. He was also really drunk so I don't think he cared.

I texted Frankie to come and he said he would be there in 10 minutes in a uber because he was already ready and he was nearby anyways. But I knew he would be late because Frankie is always late.

I grab a shot before Frankie comes so I can be a little free knowing he would drive me home with my car so I can drink.


Around 20 minutes later, He texted me he was here and I walk outside to see him looking fine asffff. He is gay but he dresses so straight, we all laugh about it like its an inside joke between our friends.

We walk in and grab some drinks and I see Magui coming next to me trying to get some drinks, " Oh aren't you y/n ( says ur name wrong on purpose )" she smirked a little. " its actually y/n ( proper way to pronouce your name) but some people just can't talk right."

Frankie tried his hardest not to laugh but he failed and started dying.

I started laughing at his wheeze because it was so funny, a few seconds later she got her drinks and ' accidentally drops it on me' and the whole room went quiet and stared at her and i. " What the fuck is wrong with you." I was pissed off.

She purposely did it and you can tell she did. Joao came running over trying to fix the situation.

He handed me a couple of napkins but my eyes didn't leave hers. She knew I was pissed the fuck off. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry it was an accident I swear" she pleads and she goes behind joao like he was going to protect her.

"Bitch I'm not fucking stupid, We were talking and you came here testing my patience. Then when we turn the other way, you ' accidentally drop your drink on me even though you weren't near me."

Joao looked at her and then me "y/n just drop it, it was an accident and you're making such a big deal just chill" hell nah. No way he just said that to me, " no fuck this" I got up and grabbed my keys and walked out. Frankie followed me immediately and left with me.

I got in my car and Frankie hopped in the passage seat and I started to drive.

In my view mirror, I saw Joao walk outside staring at my car like he was trying to stop me. I know the type of person he is and the way he told me that I was making a big deal really got me upset.

Not because of what he said because he was purposely defending his girlfriend knowing she's in the wrong.

Frankie begged me to stop at McDonalds and we walked in and ordered food. It was kinda funny how we both walked in looking fancy asf from the party.

When I went to order, the cashier asked for my number and called me beautiful but I kindly rejected him.

We ate and talked for about an hour until I dropped him off and headed home.

When I walked in my house, I saw my titi sleeping on the couch so I placed a comfortable blanket on her and headed upstair to go to sleep.

After taking my makeup off and finally relaxing, I placed my phone on the charger and was about to close my eyes until I heard a notification...


Heyyy I lowkey realized I only write at night when its fucking 1-4 am but I hope you guys had a good ass New Years.

I didn't because I was actually crying over Joao getting back with his ex and my mom walked in on me crying and looked at me confused/ concerned asf.

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