Chapter 1: Last day of summer break

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Nobody's POV:
it was a nice sunday morning, the birds are singing and people laughing.

(Y/N'S) POV:
*Yawn* "wait, what day is it?" I grabbed my phone and looked at the date. "Well crap, last day of not going to hell" i sighed and went to make breakfast. I live alone in an apartment, so at least i can enjoy this day in pea- "Nooo, I forgot i'm out of milk! I guess no cereal today." Afterwards, I went to heat up some water and make tea, along the way i grabbed a slice of bread.

As i ate breakfast i heard screaming outside. When I looked outside, I saw a girl getting bullied. She was crying while 2 guys were laughing at her.

Luckly my apartment was on a low floor, so I rushed out there to confront those dickheads. When I got out there, I saw them dragging her into an allyway.

I followed afterwards with a knife in my pocked just in case. When I got there "Excuse me dumbasses, but hurting a girl? Pathethic!" I said, they both turned around and laughed. "What are you gonna do? You're clearly outnumbered." Idiot 1 said. "But you are clearly outmatched." I said, they both got mad and tried to rush at me, luckly I knew alot of self-defense due to my...troubled past and I managed beat them to the ground.

"Leave, both of you AND IF I SEE YOU HURTING THIS INNOCENT GIRL AGAIN, YOU BETTER HAVE SOME GOOD LAST WORDS READY" I screamed at them, while they ran away like the little pussies they are. I made my way to the girl who was on the ground crying.

I reached my hand out to her "hey, it's ok, they are gone" I said. She opened her eyes, they were red "t-thanks, b-but, why did you s-save me?" She said with tears in her eyes. "Why wouldn't I? Those losers were hurting you." I said. "I dont deserve help, i'm a freak, just look at my eyes." She replied.

I looked at her eyes "I don't know what eye colour has to do with being a freak, but..." I paused for a moment, as I started to feel something new in me "I think your eyes are very pretty." I finished. "W-wow, really?" She faintly blushed after saying that and thanked. "Anyways, what is your name?" I asked.

"My name is Chara, what is your name?" She replied. "Nice to meet you, Chara. My name is Y/N," I helped her get up "t-thanks again for helping me, i usualy don't get along with others." She said. "Me too" i replied with while slightly blushing.

"Anyways, it was nice meeting yo-" "wait!" She interupted me. "Are you busy today?" Chara asked "Nah, i was just about to head back into my apartment." I replied "c-could i possibly, come with you? I don't really have anyone to talk with right now, since my sister is busy." Chara said "well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to finaly have some company over." I told chara. "Thanks" chara said. "Your welcome, anyways lets get moving, my apartment is really close" I replied.

We went into my apartment, it wasn't the cleanest, but also not really messy either. "Make yourself comfy." I said as she went to sit on a couch and turned on the TV. I sat next to her and we chilled there. "Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked. "Yeah, your couch is comfy." Chara replied. Shortly after, an add started playing on the TV

"UGH, I hate adds" me and Chara said that perfectly synced, we just looked at other akwardly. "Heh, i can tell we ate gonna get along good." I said "m-maybe?" She replied.

*time skip*

It was a bit later, Chara's phone got a notification. "Hold on, my mom is texting me." She typed on her phone and then put it away. "Everything ok? I asked. "Yeah, I just wish I didn't have to back to school already." Chara replied. "What grade are you going in? I asked. "[Insert your grade here]" she replied.

Oh wow, she is gonna be my classmate? "Me too" I said. Chara giggled quietly "I guess classes aren't gonna be as boring as i thought they would be" she said. I chuckle at this "I guess that is true." I said. Now im kinda excited for class??? Chara looked at me

"well, I'm gonna head home and get ready for school, cya tommorow!" Chara said "cutie" she very faintly mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.
"Nothingokbyeee" she said leaving. What was that about? ... no way, does she- *sigh* probably just a joke. But thinking about her now...she is cute and funny.


Chara POV:
I laid in bed and started thinking: I hope (Y/N) didnt hear me call him that, what was I thinking back there! I felt something i never had before, what was that? I heard knocking on my door "come in, I said" it was my sister, Frisk. "Excited for school tommorow?" She said in a slightly taunting voice, she knows I dislike school, but with (Y/N) as our classmate, it could it enjoyable.

"Kinda." I replied. Frisk gasped "WHAT?!? You're never excited for school" she said and thought for a moment, she then had a smirk on her face, as if she already knew something. "You have a crush on someone!" She said. "N-N-NO I DON'T!!" I yelled.

"Is he from school?" She asked. "N-NOT TELLING YOU" I said while my face was more red than before.

"It's not even the first day of school and you already found a boy?" Frisk teased me even more. "S-SHUT UP!" I tell her.

"Chara, Frisk, stop making so much noise up there, tommorow is your first day at school" toriel told us. "Sorry mom!" Me and Frisk said.

"Whelp, im gonna go to bed. I bet when we get to class tommorow, i'll find who you have the feels forrr." She leaves my room to go sleep. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it

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