chapter 7: Backstory

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Y/N pov:
Me, Chara and Frisk were playing videogames. All of a sudden, I start thinking about that nightmare and how real it felt. "Chara?" I said. "Yeah, Y/N)?" She replied. "I had nightmares, you were evil in them. What did you do?" Right when I finished asking, Chara looked scared and sad.

Chara's pov: What do I say, I dont wanna lie, but im so scared he will fear me and not wanna be with me.
"Y/N, please promise you wont judge me." I told him. "Can't be that bad, right?" He responded. So I began telling my story.

"When i was little, I had a bad life. My parents didnt love me and people called me a demon because I have red eyes. One day, I decided to end my life. I went to Mt. Ebott, I found a hole and jumped down. Somehow, I didnt die, I was found by Asriel and was adopted into the family.

I wanted to re-pay the kindness, so i had a plan. I poisoned myself so asriel would absorb my soul and pass the barier. I asked him to carry my body to the flowers in my village, the humans attacked but asriel didnt fight back. I told to kill them and take their souls, he refused and went back into the underground. He shortly died.

Many years later, Frisk fell down and her determination brought me back but as a ghost. At first, she did pacifist, but she got bored and did genocide, that awoke me and I loved it.

So we did alot of genocide runs. Eventualy, Frisk felt Felt horrible and wanted to undo the damage, so she reset and did a pacifist. I was against it, because i liked feeling alive, but eventualy she convinced me. As a 'thanks' She gave me half of her soul and we went on to meet you and go to school."

"You probably hate us now. Even now, our sins follow us." Chara said as tears slowly went down her face.

Y/N's pov:
I gently wipe away Chara's tears. Her face is nice and soft. "...of course I don't hate you two, it's just alot to take in so fast." I told them and then gave her a kiss. Waaait... I JUST REALISED I NEVER ASKED HER TO MY GIRLFRIEND. I know! I will do it today. "Hey Chara, wanna go on a date?" I asked her. "I don't have any plans for today, so yeah!" She replied.
This is gonna be good!

*timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N and chibi Chara hugging*

"So, where do you wanna go." I asked Chara. "I have an idea, how about we visit the underground?" She replied. Hmm, a visit to underground sounds interesting. "Sure, sounds fun." I told her. Luckly, it isnt too far from my apartment, so we make our way to where the barrier used to be.

We go in and find ourselves in a throne room with a bunch of golden flowers...just like in my dream. I notice an old throne, so I joKINGly sit on it "bow before your king!"I exclaimed. "Ohhh my lord, what are your demands." Chara replied, playing along. "I command you to NEVER stop being cute." I flirted with her, we both slightly blushed and laughed. "The only thing you're missing is the outfit and.." a smirk appears on her face "a queen." She finished. We both chuchle at this.

??? Pov: so this is the universe #4376942831, I wonder why HE chose this one for [TEXT_NOT_FOUND]. I better go before either of them notice me.

Y/N pov: me and Chara were walking to new home while holding hands (cuteee) ...huh? I saw the shadow of a fugure run somewhere. "Chara, is there anyone left in the underground?" I asked her. "The only one that decided to stay is flowey, why do you ask?" She responded. "I don't think thats the case, I saw a shadow running away." I then feel Chara's hand sweat a little. "S-should we check it out?" She asks. Well either they are danger or they arent. "Maybe?" I responded.

We both went to see if we can find them, but they were gone. I think they teleported away. "Let's just stay near the exit." I told Chara. "Yeah, but first lets get you that King outfit I mentioned before, Asgore left it behind in his room along with his old life." We go in and take it along with a crown. We make our way back to the throne room, where I put on the outfit and once again sit on the throne.

This is it, the perfect moment to ask. "Chara, we forgot something." I told her. "Wait, we did?" She asks looking slightly nervous. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

Chara's pov:
"OF COURSE, Y/.N" I exclaimed. This is the most fun I had in a long time, Y/N is an amazing guy and an even better boyfriend.

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