Chapter 12: An unexpected guest

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Y/N's pov:
As we were eating dinner, me and Chara explained what happened. Mmm that was good. "Hey Y/N, you wanna stay the night?" Chara asks me, to which i say yes to of course. We then head to her bedroom, only a little bit messy.

"So, you wanna do something?" I ask Chara. "With mom here, we should probably cuddle at most, don't wanna get caught right?" She says. We go lay on her bed and wrap our hands around each other, Chara then puts her face on my chest. I slowly run my hand trough her hair and she starts making soft purring noises.

So soft, warm and cozy, those were the things going trough my mind at the moment. "Let's just stay like this and fall asleep." Chara says in a calm and slightly tired souding voice. Eventualy, she falls asleep. I kiss her cheek and slowly fall asleep too.

30 minutes after Chara and Y/N fell asleep, Frisk went to see what they were doing.

Frisk's pov: I knock on the door, no answer. I gently open the door and see them asleep cuddling. Awwww, they look adorable! I take out my phone and take a photo of this amazing moment and leave the room.

*timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N and chibi Chara melting people's hearts with their cuteness*

Chara's pov:
I wake up, but keep my eyes closed. mmm I can hear Y/N's heartbeat, so calm and beautiful. I could stay like this with him for all eternity. A few minutes of absolute peace go by and...

Y/N groans in anger and uses his power to teleport the alarm clock, where? I dont know. "Ugh, another day of school already?" He says in a tired voice. "Sadly." I tell him. We eventualy get up and he walks downstairs for breakfast as I change clothes.

I get down and sit next to Y/N and start eating. "Y/N, check your phone later, i sent you something" Frisk says and winks at him. Frisk what did you do? We finish eating breakfast and Y/N teleports home for his backback and back here. Welp, time to leave for school.

Y/N's pov:

"Chara, Frisk come closer for a secound." I tell them, they do as a asked and I hold their hands, teleporting us to school.

*Timeskip because school is for LOSERS*

(Warning: blood, violence and death)

Asgore's pov:

Today is such a beautiful day outside, birds are singing and my flowers are beautiful and bright. As I walk trough the neighborhood, I notice a familiar looking figure in the distance.

Huh, looks like...Y/N? I aproach him, he is wering a green suit. "Howdy Y/N, whats with that look, going somewhere fancy?" I ask him. He just looks at me with a smile...something feels off about this. This is kinda stra-

"Yes, im going somewhere....YOUR FUNERAL!" As he finishes saying that, he punches me hard in the stomach. "OW, Y/N! Whats gotten into you?" I ask him in pain and anger, he doesnt respond and continues beating the hell out of me. For a human he is REALLY strong. Like unnaturaly strong.

Y/N's pov:

As me and Chara teleport back to her home, we hear screams for help in the distance...Asgore? We follow the noise and we find fhe once king getting absolutely destroyed Right away, I go attack him. I teleport behind him and throw a punch, but he somehow turns around really fast and catches my fist.

"Well hello there, Y/N." He says as he starts squeezing my hand, I teleport out of his grasp and try attacking him again but fail. He then kicks me and I fall on the ground bleeding.

Sans' pov:

I hear fighting, I quickly go check it out. Asgore is barely on his feet, Y/N is on the ground bleeding and Chara is about to get her ass kicked too. That guy is strong. I gotta check his LV... WHAT?

Most LV I seen is 19, but this guy? HE HAS LV 1200! Welp, time to give this killer a B A D  T I M E! I summon a bunch of bones and Gaster Blasters and he avoids them all, I then turn his soul blue..wait why isnt my soul magic working on him? He pushes Asgore to the ground and turns to face me.

"Heh, time to kill you like I did with hundreds of other versions." He says in cold, bone chilling voice. I proceed to throw a bunch of strong attacks at him but he barely takes 5 hp of damage, it's impossible for me to take down all his 550 HP by myself. He is like a genocidal Chara but even worse. If I dont find a solution soon, he is gonna win for sure.

While fighting, I notice Y/N getting up, he then goes to asgore and holds his hand. Im getting really tired really fast, soon enough, evil "Y/N"  knocks me down to the ground. He looks down on me with a smile that could send shivers down the spine of a god. "Hehheheheheh, don't be sad. You're brother will be joining you very soon." He takes out a knife ready to kill me...

Y/N and Asgore teleport away...and end up above evil "Y/N". He gets crushed under the weight of the two and soon enough, he bleeds out and dies.

Holy shit! My body fucking hurts from all this. I get off Asgore and see Chara unharmed, she rushed towards me and hugs me tightly. "Y/N, Don't scare me like that again please!" I hug her back and then we share a kiss. "We should get Toriel to heal you." She says. We help Asgore get up and slowly walk home.

"Y/N, do you know who that was?" He asks me. "No, but damn did he give us a beating." I tell him and chuckle. We get to Chara's home and Toriel sees our horrible conditions, she starts healing me and then Asgore. We talk about our fight with the evil "Y/N", if thats even his name. I will call him uhhhh... [Y/N, but backwards].

Toriel has a surprised look on her face as we basicaly tell her a human easily beat one of if not THE strongest monsters in the world with just his fists. "Not only that, but his LV. It was 1200. How could someone get that much?" Sans questions. "While you were fighting him, I did check him." Chara says. "Check?" I ask her. "It gives you basic info about whoever you use it on." Frisk explains.

"What did it tell you?" I ask Chara. "??? - ATK 250, DEF 170. Travels across the multiverse destroying worlds as he pleases to." She replies. Multiverse? Does that mean he is a different version of me? Well, what matters is that we beat him...

I sit on the couch with Chara, we snuggle up and watch TV.

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