Chapter 14: Two fights, one winner

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(Blood, death, gore ahead)
Evil "Y/N's" pov:

I arive at the arena room, just like everything else in this place, it's huge.
I hope the people here are gonna even be worth fighting. I feel someone behind me, so I turn around...AH FUCK!!! "BOO!" HE yelled, his face looking like a something from hell, scaring me to point i feel like i'm getting a heart attack.

"Alright, enough pranks..for now, ready to meet your oponents?" He asks me, to which i nod my head in excitement. He snaps his fingers and 3 guys that look similar to me appear in front of me

One of them is wearing a green hoodie, white t-shirt, red gloves and boots and brown shorts.

The secound guy is wearing a lab coat and goggles, along with black shorts.

The third and last guy is slightly taller than the other two, wearing a black shirt, gray shorts and holding a pistol. His skin is also completly pale

They instruced themselves one by one
"James." I tell them my name. "So killing is allowed? Just curious." I ask HIM, he giggles and nods his head. Then i'm gonna enjoy this =)

(Background music during fight

Noone's pov:
James rushes are the trio, throwing many punches along the way, Shift summons floating red knifes and blasters.

Ron uses his dadgets to fight James, which he dodges and damages some of the tech.

Mark runs around the place, shooting bullets at James, two pierce trough his shoulder but nothing else, James has 535/550 HP and is doing just fine, while the trio are starting to get tired.

They start using team attacks, but James doesn't give up and manages to continue with 510/550 hp.

James gets his good angle and takes out his knife, slicing open Ron's stomach, his insides spilling into the ground as he chokes on his own blood. Soon enough, he dies.

Shift teleports and his eyes and mouth leaking hate out of them. As James dodges attacks with his 495 HP, he manages to slices into Mark's neck, killing him.

A rather long battle starts, both sides being very strong, but even with teleportation, Shift can barely keep up with James. As the battle goes, Shift's lack of energy grows. James beats Shift to the ground and kills him.

HE floats besides James and congratulates him before snapping his fingers, bringing the dead trio back to life. "Take a nap, there is one more person I want you to fight." He says and teleports melting into the ground, leaving behind a goop that goes away in secounds.

*timeskip brought to you by Chibi James getting his nap*

I walk up to HIM and he smiles at me. "You ready?" He asks me, to which i say yes! He takes out a sample of red liquid. "Drink this, it's my gift to you." I drink it...tastes like strawberries and blood.

HE then snaps his finger and a portal opens up, i walk trough and appear in the last corridor. I then see a figure walking towards me...a Chara. Appears to be a genocide run and I gotta fight her.

She laughs "And who are you, a door to door salesman?" She mocks me. "No, but your subscription to life is about to expire." I say in cold voice.


She charges at me with a red knife, I start dodging her attacks and throw punches at her, tough cookie...good. I use my surrondings to my advantage, taking out my knife, dealing alot of damage to her back.

She is still fighting strong, now this is what I call a fight. I then use a combo of quick moves and knock her face first into ground, I throw my knife into her leg to break it, I do the same with the other. I turn her around and make her watch as I hear her ribs cracking under the pressure. She dies...


Oh yeah, even better. I get to kick his ass over and over.

*13 thousand fights later.*
(One fight is 3 minutes so it's 27 days of constant fighting)

Aaaand fight number 13001. The fight goes like the others until...I start feeling a bit weaker, Chara notices this and manages to throw me off balance, knocking me to the ground.

She looks down upon me with her "creepy" face, I find it to be cute...dont think that! I start feeling desperation to break free from her grasp. Suddently...

I teleport and stand not so far away, woahh. I charge at her we exchange attacks back and forth, I feel stronger, faster...Chara appears to struggle agaisnt me even more than before.

I continue kicking her ass as she falls to the ground beaten... I feel a huge wave of energy, Chara stops moving completly...did time freeze? I start feeling memories

Destroying my home world, killing so many lives to gain LV, I don't regret any of it, but seeing Chara like this...I cant help but feel something, no James! Shake that out of your system. But I can't help but think she is cute.

Time unfreezes and Chara is on the ground defeated. For the first time in forever...*act*....*heal Chara*....heal? Since when can i heal? Now that I think about it, how did I teleport? I heal Chara's injuries and help her up. "W-what you are doing you idiot, why are you helping me?" She asks. "You and I aren't so different." I tell her.

"Well if we aren't so different, then just kill me already!" she hisses at me.

I drop my throw away my knife and hug her...why am I doing this? WHY!? it feels so...good. Chara is shocked by my hug and drop her knife on the ground, she looks at me in awe. "Why are you being so...nice to me?" She asks. "There's something special about you...I can't describe it." I tell her honestly.

Chara looks surprised. She looks down for a bit and then hugs me tightly...I feel liquid on the back of my shirt, I hear sob faintly sobbing. Wait a minute....

It feels like it's comming from within me...? ....wait a secound

She stops hugging me and looks at me with innocent smile before it turns into her "creepy" one. "You really are an idiot." She says in a cold voice.


HE comes rushing out of a portal with a determined look on his face. HE attacks Chara, she is unable to dodge his attacks which include: laser beams, knives, guns and other weapons of mass destruction. HE easily beats Chara without breaking a sweat. Now that's power, I walk over to him "That was incredible." I tell him. He giggles and looks down at me. "If you think that is alot, you've seen nothing... yet." He tells me.
I feel the cut on my back heal. i thank him and he takes us back to his castle.

"By the way, what was the red liquid?" I ask him. "It's used to unlock your potential and when said potential is reached, it fills you with determination and a few other stong substances." He explains. My punishment from travel is gonna end soon. He brings Chara along with him using magic to make her unable to move. He waves at me before teleporting away with Chara.

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