Chapter 13: Him

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Evil "Y/N's"' pov:

*gasp* I wake up in a fancy looking bed, I get up and walk out of the room. Oh wow, this place is big. On the wall is a map leading to a...throne room? I study it and make my way there, upon arival I see a tall man looking down at me from his throne with a calm expression. He looks like a certain skeleton...shit...

"Ah, you're awake. You must have so many questions, but all you need to know is, that you're gonna be Okay." He says with a voice so calm it's like an angel's. "You died, do you remember how?" He asks me. "I got killed by Y/N" I reply.

His smile remains but his eyes show visible signs of anger. "..Since this your first death, here's a deal. You get to live, but if you attack him or his friends again..." He stops for a moment and his eyes turn solid black "you're gonna feel pain worse than you could ever imagine." He says is DEEP voice you would think belongs to a being of pure evil. I gulp and nod my head in agreement.

His eyes turn back to normal
"Normaly, I have a punishment for People like you, but seeing as you did... you know what, you aren't allowed to go to other worlds for a month. Now please go, i have work to do."

I go back to the room I woke up in and lay on the bed, who is that guy? How did he revive me? I hope he is willing to give me answers, because im gonna be here for a month. I then fall asleep.

I wake up and see an alarm clock next to the bed, 8 am. I make my way trough the masive hallways yet sgain, eventualy ariving at my destination. He is sitting on his throne reading a newspaper. He puts it down revealing he is in a pink robe and black shorts. He has 4 arms, 2 of which I couldnt see two of last time due to them being hidden under his cape and behind his back.

"Good morning, feeling hungry?" Right when he finished talking, my stomach growls and he giggles. He snaps his fingers and a plate of toast sandwiches appears in my hands. I take a bite out of one...*tears fall down my face* it's just like how mother made them... mother... He gets up and walk over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder...damn this guy is tall. He tells me things to calm me down, but just hearing his voice is enough for me to not be stressed.

"Who..who are you?" I ask him. Still smiling camly. We start going back and forth, he perfectly answers every question I give him. I take a bite out of another one of the sandwiches..Mmmmm this one is filled with chocolate, i love it.

I finish eating the sandwiches and he teleports the plate away and floats away and sits on his throne. I ask what i can do around the castle and he tells me about a fighting arena. Im gonna check that out for sure, I love fighting =)

I start making my way to where it is.

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