Chapter 10: Wow!

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Y/N's pov:
Chars lays her head on my shoulder as we watch TV.
"Im bored, any ideas?" I asked her, she thought for a moment before responding "how about we visit the underground again? We barely Explored it the last time."
Thats a good idea! "Sure, sounds like fun." I told her
Warning: blood, death and gore ahead.
Chara's pov:
Me and Y/N are making our way to the mountain, we hold hands as we enjoy each other's touch. Everything is going nicely until...

Robber: "GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!" He shouted as he held a rather big knife.

I was kinda scared, Y/N on the other hand looked fine. "No way, bitch." He told the dirty looking idiot. That seemed to piss him off as he began charging at Y/N. He dodged the man's attacks until he was knocked to the ground, I go try help Y/N but that fucker catches me and holds me hostage. "Wouldn't want my burting your girlfriend would you?" The idiot said. Y/N looked absolutely pissed off, suddently...his eyes glowed white

Y/N's pov:
"NOBODY HURTS MY CHARA!" I screamed at the faggit as I somehow managed to teleport behind him and get him away from Chara, I then grabbed his left arm

Very slowly
Twisting it
the man screamed in pain, but THATS NOT ENOUGH >:( I continue twisting it as he screams louder and louder until..
I break off his arm completly, then I do the same thing to his other arm. I got tired of hearing him screaming so I grabbed the knife and sliced his head off.

I feel myself becoming calm again, then I look at Chara, she looks very shocked. "How...did you just use magic?" She asked me. I honestly replied to her with "I don't know, but I know I would have hated to see you get hurt." I hug her and give her a kiss. Shortly after, we continue our way to the underground.

Eventualy we reach the throne room. "So, what part of the underground do you wanna go to?" I ask her. "Waterfall is a nice and relaxing place, what do you say?" She responded. "Sounds great!" I said and we went trough new home to an elevator. We were in some kind looking place?

"Huh, this is interesting." I told her. "This is the core, the monsters used it as a power source." She explained. We walk trough the core and eventualy arive at a hotel? When we step out of the hotel, Chara tells me about hotland and MTT resort, we take another elevator and end up near a LAB. We went in for a bit but left shortly after as there wasnt really anything worth our interest. Waterfall, here we come!

Wow, this place really is quiet and nice. The flowers here are such a lovely blue. "Those are echo flowers, they repeat what you say." Chara explained. I start hearing a faint voice in the distance. We go see what or who it was. We laid our eyes on a specific echo flower as there were footprints near it. The flower starting talking...

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