Chapter 2: First day of school

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Y/N's pov:
*alarm clock*
"Ughh, I hate alarms" I said with a grumpy and tired voice
I got up and went to make a Quick breakfast, then went to the bathroom to wash my face and after getting into clean clothes, i headed to school

Chara's pov:
*yawn* first day of school and secound day i see Y/N. wait, why am i all of a sudden thinking about Y/N, do i really have a crush? Could he even have those feelings for me? I don't time to think about this, i gotta dressed.

Afrer that, me and Frisk go sit at the table to eat breakfast. A slice of pie, eggs, toast, some cereal and a glass of chocolate milk.

"What are you thinking about, is it loveeeee?" Frisk said with a smirk on her face. "N-no, I mean yes? I MEAM, MAYBE?" my face started to get even more red. Frisk laughs and we start heading to school.

*small timeskip brought to you by chibi Frisk teasing chibi Chara at breakfast*

We went inside the classroom with a few students inside already. Frisk looked around until she started starting at one paticular student..(Y/N)... WAIT! (Y/N)?

Frisk look at me and whispered "found him" with a big smile on her face "n-no!" I could feel my face getting warm. "Your face is saying otherwise." Frisk said. "Ugh, i'll talk to you after school ahout this"

*ring ring ring* the schoolbell

Teacher walks into the classroom
"Good day, students. My name is Mike and i will be your math teacher" then the continued talking "since today is the first day of school, we are just gonna do a few things


"Frisk, come with me real quick." I told her "ok." Frisk replied. We went to an empty and quiet part of school. "I need your help." I told frisk. "With what?" She asked. "With (Y/N)" I whispered.

Frisk slightly gasped "I knew it!" My face becoming red again. "S-shut up, are you gonna help me or are you just gonna tease me the whole time?" I told frisk. "Ok sorry" she said. "You're the flirt queen, please help me get (Y/N)!" I pleaded to frisk.

"Chara, I want you to be happy, so yes. I will help you get his love." Oh thank goodness "BUT!" Frisk continued "you have to give me like 2 of your chocolate bars" you son of a bitch "one" i replied. "One and a half" frisk said.

"Ok fine, deal" I told frisk. "Hehhehe, would have done for free but thanks." Frisk laughed "OH YOU-" frisk interupts me "enough, do you want him or not?" She said with a more serious voice.

"Yes" I responded. "My advice is: don't rush it, spend time with him, get to know him and what he likes, along with that...flirt with him, get him to like you" frisk explained. "Thanks frisk, i'm gonna ask, if i can hang out with him." I told Frisk "Okay, have fun with your boyfriend." Frisk replied "he isn't my boyfriend.......yet." I went to find (Y/N)

Y/N'S pov:
I was chilling at the vending machine, I then noticed..chara? It looks like she is walking to me? "H-Hey (Y/N)." Greeting me. "Hi Chara, how was your first day of school?" I asked. "Quite boring, how about you?" She responded. "Also quite boring." I said. "W-well, could we hang out today, friend?" Chara asked.

Did she call me friend? I didn't expect that. "Y-yeah, sure thing, Chara." I responded. "Ok! I'll come to your apartment at 1:40pm" she said. "Cya then!" I said "yeah, cya.....*starts mumbing* sexy boy" blushing. "What was that last part?" "N-NOTHING! CYA" she yelled. Her mumbling got better, couldnt understand what she said. Anyways im gonna head home.

Chara's pov: WHY DID I SAY THAT?!? OH MY GOD THIS SO SO HARD! calm down chara, calm down. Stop thinking about (Y/N) and his handsome face and possible large co- *alarm starts*
"Ah!" I slightly yelled, I gotta get to (Y/N) on time.

*time skip to ariving at (Y,N's) apartment*

Chara should be here any moment now. *ding dong* must be her. "Comming" I said. Opened the door and there I saw her, looking at her now, I cant stop thinking about how cute she is. "H-hi, (Y/N)." she said with a smile on her face. "Come in" I told her.

We sat down on the couch and I asked her "so, what do you wanna do?" Because i didnt really have any plans. "I was thinking we could do something fun." She replied.

"Well, i did buy a steam deck not so long ago, how about we play some videogames on it?" I suggested. "You have a steam deck? Sure." She replied. So i grab it, hooked it up to the TV along with 2 controllers and started playing.

*3 and a half hours later*

Chara's pov:
Damn, (Y,N) is a really good gamer. "(Y,N)!" I said "yeah, chara?" (Y,N) replied. "You are a really skilled gamer." I told him.

"Thanks! Y'know, chara?" He started speaking. "Yeah, (Y,N)?" I replied. "This is fun, we should hang out more." He said as he started to blush. "Heck yeah, this is fun." I smiled at him and he smiled at me.


Y/N's pov:
"im starting to get bored." I told Chara. "Yeah, me too" as she said that, her stomach growled. She starting blushing, awwww, cute. "You want something to eat?" I asked her. "Yeah, if that's ok with you." She said. "Of course its ok, what do you like?" I asked.

"I love sweet, especialy chocolate." Hmmm ok something sweet. Think think. "Ooo, I know!" I remembered, I have 2 slices of chocolate cake in my fridge. I got the slices and went back to Chara, putting the plate on a coffee table. "Enjoy!" I told her.

"Oh wow, thanks Y/N!" She eats both slices. Wow, she looked sooooo cute eating them. "Thanks for the food." She had some leftover chocolate on her lips "hey, you little chocolate there." Pointing at her lips. she looked a bit surprised and then she licked her lips, causing me to blush.

*timeskip to before bedtime brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Chara getting ready to go to bed*

Chara's pov:
today was good, I like hanging out with Y/N! I hope we can be good friends. He seems to understand me, better than any other human not counting Frisk. It was hard to fall asleep with the thoughts about (Y,N) living in my mind rent-free. But eventualy I did.

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