Chapter 11: The start of a journey

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"Why did he make a human? Whats the point, I'm gonna go ask him." You then hear strange noises from the echo flower...the message ends.

What? Make a human? Me and Chara stood there in shock and confusion. Who was that, who the "he" who "created" a human? "Created as in, made in a lab?." Chara broke the silence. "Maybe we can solve this mystery together?" I asked her. "Yeah, I would love to." She replied with a cute smile.

We go sit down and take out shoes and socks off to put our feet into the water. Chara lays her head on my shoulder as we stare into the distance. I look over to Chara...this is the cutest thing ive been holy shit im so fucking happy right now! She whispers "I love you, Y/N." And I reply with "I love you too, Chara." Then the echo flowers repeat our words of love. We giggle at this and continue walking trough waterfall until we reach a snowy area.

Chara explains that this is Snowdin, it looks very pretty. We keep walking and walking until and talking we reach a rather big purple door. I open it up to reveal a dark room with a spot if grass in the middle with a flower on has a face!

"Howdy Chara...who is that with you?" He looks at me with a curious look. "I'm Y/N, Chara's caring boyfriend." Flowey looks surprised. "And you said you hated humanity and look at you now, in a relationship with one." He tells her.

She holds my hand and looks towards me "He is...different and I love him for that." She says calmy and gives me a small kiss.

"Get a room you two." Flowey says annoyed. Me and Chara giggle at his reaction. "Anyways, why are you here?" He asks. "I wanted to show him around." Chara explains. "Well have fun or whatever." Flowey responds before going into the ground.

We find ourselves in a cozy house. "This is where I lived." Chara says as she goes into kitchen. I follow her and open the fridge to find it is empty... she looks a bit sad and mad. "No chocolate." Out of nowhere, I feel something in my pocket...a chocolate bar with a note that says "emergency chocolate." I tap Chara's shoulder playfully

Chara's pov:
Y/N taps my shoulder and turn to him holding...CHOCOLATE? He reaches his hand out with the tasty snack in it "For you, my little CHOCO-holic." I gigle at his pun and accept the chocolate. Emergency chocolate? Awwww thats so thoughtful of him. I unwrap it and break off a piece. "Open your mouth." I tell him and he does. I put the piece on his tongue and watch him enjoy it.

We sit down and I eat a piece...WOAH, this tastes...LIKE THE BEST CHOCOLATE EVER! Thats saying alot since im an expert at chocolate. I can tell by his reaction that he is also blown away by the taste.

After we finish eating, we walk trough the ruins as I tell him more. We arive at a flower bed.

Y/N's pov:

I have an idea! "Chara, close your eyes for a bit." She closes her eyes. I start picking flowers and make a beautiful crown out of them and gently place it on her head. She smiles at me "thanks, me and my brother used to do this all the time." She said.

I proceed to lay down on the flowerbed to relax for a bit. "You're lying on me." She tells me..huh? "What do you mean?" I ask her. "My old body is burried under those flowers." ...huh, odd and interesting and kinda creepy. "Whoops, sorry." I tell her. "Its ok, its probably just a bone or two now." She responds.

"By the way, how did you get a new body?" I ask her. "Well like I explained before, Frisk's determination brought me back as a ghost and when she gave me half of her soul, I became physical."

We continued to talk for hours about life and our inferest, along the way we also flirted with each other. Even though we weren't the best at it, we enjoyed each other's company. I then checked the time, "it's getting late." I tell her. I know just how to get us to our homes fast "here, let me try something." I continued as I hold her hand and we get up. I focus and...

*teleport noise*

Chara's pov:
Y/N teleported us to my home, im still surprised he has powers. "Wow, thanks Y/N" as we head to the front door, we hear someone clearing their voice behind us. "Nice shortcut, kiddo." We turned around to see sans standing there. "Chara, you go on ahead inside, I gotta talk with Y/N for a bit." He says. I go inside.

Y/N's pov:
"So, I noticed your EXP went up. Care to explain?" He asks me. "Exp?" I ask him. *insert quick explanation about EXECUTION POINTS AND LEVEL OF VIOLENCE* "did you kill someone?" He then asks. "Yeah, I killed a guy who was trying to attack us." He looks at me with a slight relief in his eyes "Okay, but try next time try not killing your oponent please." He says sounding a bit tired. "Okay, ill try."

He then goes to open the door and Chara is there. She moves past him and goes to me "wanna have dinner with us?" She asks, I kindly accept the offer and tell her ill be there in a bit. Welp, time to do the reasonable thing, use my new powers to surprise Frisk and Toriel.

I take a peek in the window and all four are at the table. Time for my grand entrance!

*I teleport to the table* "Hello everyone." I calmy say. Toriel and Frisk look at me with surprised reactions. "WHAAAAT? HOW DID YOU DO THAT Y/N?" Frisk asks sounding excited. "

"Magic I guess." I tell Frisk. "But, humans aren't able to do magic for a long time." Toriel says, still surprised by my surprising arival. "I guess only time will tell." I say. These powers are cool, im gonna have so much fun with these.

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