Chapter 2

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Y/n strolled leisurely down the corridor, accompanied by his younger sister, Elise. The vibrant halls of the royal palace buzzed with anticipation, as today marked an important council meeting. Elise, ever conscious of punctuality, urged her brother to pick up the pace.

Elise: Come on, big brother, you don't want to be tardy for the council meeting, do you? I know you wouldn't want that.

Y/n: Just give me a few more minutes, Elise.

With a quick flick of his wrist, Y/n effortlessly donned his regal attire, his movements exuding a sense of purpose. As he finished dressing, he eagerly bounded forward, determined not to waste another moment.

Meanwhile, Princess Elena gracefully glided through the palace corridors, accompanied by her trusted advisor, Armando. The weight of her royal responsibilities rested upon her shoulders, and the day ahead promised a multitude of tasks demanding her attention.

Armando: We have quite a busy day ahead, Princess. Many matters require your attention.

Just as Elena continued her stride, a courtier approached, holding two fabric swatches.

Courtier: Your majesty, pink or purple?

Elena: Ah, the allure of purple captivates me. Tell me, is everyone prepared for the council meeting, Armando?

Elise: You can bet my brother is fully prepared, Princess. He's always ready for anything.

Armando: Pray, enlighten me about the nature of this meeting?

Courtier: Roses or tulips?

Elena: Ah, both flowers possess their unique charm. This is the Grand Council meeting we convene every morning.

Armando: Ah, I see. A daily occurrence, then?

Elise: Indeed, it commences today.

Armando: I should undoubtedly include it in my schedule. Now, where did I place my pen? (Elena promptly retrieves a pen) Ah! Thank you kindly, Princess. This reminds me, I need your signature on this crucial proclamation for the upcoming royal visit tomorrow.

Elena: Very well, Armando.

Just as the conversation progressed, Y/n approached the gathering, his presence infused with a sense of urgency.

Y/n: Pardon me, Princess, but it seems we are falling behind schedule. If you could expedite matters, it would be greatly appreciated.

Elena: Please give me just a moment, Y/n.

The faint sound of tapping resonated through the air, catching the attention of those present.

Armando: What is that commotion?

Elena: It's coming from my little sister's room.

Y/n: Right, we should investigate.

Elise: Indeed, let's see what she's up to.

Curiosity piqued, they ventured into Isabel's room, where the young inventor was engrossed in her latest creation.

Elena: How are things progressing, Isabel?

Isabel: I just finished!

Y/n: Finished what, exactly?

Isabel: My latest invention, the Presto Changer. It automates the process of putting on clothes, saving everyone valuable time.

Elise: Well, in my opinion, it sounds like a brilliant creation.

Y/n: Yes, it's quite impressive.

Armando: Ah, no more mismatched socks for me!

Friendship and Destiny: Elena of Avalor and Etienne of Lumièreval.Where stories live. Discover now