Bonus chapter: The Stolen Jewels of Avalor

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Elena: (excitedly) Today is a special day in Avalor! We are celebrating the union of our kingdom with Lumiereval!

Etienne: (smirking) Indeed, Princess Elena. It is a grand occasion, and I, as the Prince of Lumiereval, am honored to be here.

Elena: (smiling) And we are honored to have you, Esteban... I mean, Etienne.

Etienne: (chuckles) Ah, yes. I must admit, I do prefer my French name. It has a certain... je ne sais quoi.

Elena: (laughs) Well, let's get this party started!

Etienne: (raising an eyebrow) Oh, I do hope it will be a party fit for royalty. I have high standards, you know.

Elena: (confidently) Don't worry, Etienne. We know how to throw a royal bash in Avalor.

Etienne: (smirking) I'll be the judge of that, Princess.

Elena: (playfully) Then let the judging begin!

Etienne: (laughs) Very well.

Elena and Etienne lead the way into the castle's grand ballroom, where the party is already in full swing. The room is beautifully decorated with streamers, balloons, and flowers in the colors of both Avalor and Lumiereval. The guests are mingling and enjoying themselves, and the music is lively and upbeat.

Elena: (impressed) Wow, look at this! Everyone is having such a great time!

Etienne: (nodding) Yes, it seems like a well-planned event. But I'll reserve my final judgment until I've tried the food and drink.

Elena: (laughs) Of course, Etienne. Let's go see what they have to offer.

Etienne: (smirking) After you, Princess.

Elena and Etienne make their way to the buffet table, where they are greeted by a variety of delicious dishes and drinks. Etienne picks up a plate and begins to sample the offerings, while Elena watches him with amusement.

Etienne: (taking a bite of a small pastry) Hmm, not bad. But I do hope they have something a bit more... substantial.

Elena: (smiling) Oh, they do. Just wait until you see the main course.

Etienne: (raising an eyebrow) I'm intrigued.

Elena: (grinning) Good. Because I think you're going to love it.

Etienne: (smirking) We'll see about that, Princess.

Elena: (laughs) Oh, Etienne. You're such a skeptic.

Etienne: (chuckles) I prefer to think of myself as a realist.

Elena: (smiling) Well, let's see if we can change your mind.

Etienne: (smirking) I'll be waiting.

Elena and Etienne continue to enjoy the party, chatting and laughing with the other guests. As they do, it becomes clear that despite their differences, they have a strong bond and a deep affection for each other. And as the night goes on, it seems that the union between Avalor and Lumiereval is off to a great start.

Next scene

Elena: (smiling) "I'm so glad you could all make it to the party, Naomi, Gabe, Mateo."

Naomi: (grinning) "We wouldn't miss it for the world, Elena. This is a historic moment for Avalor and Lumiereval."

Gabe: (nodding) "Plus, who can resist a good party?"

Mateo: (smiling) "I'm just excited to see what kind of magic they have in Lumiereval."

Etienne: (chuckling) "Ah, the curiosity of youth. I assure you, our magic is just as impressive as Avalor's."

Elena: (laughing) "I'm sure it is, Esteban...I mean, Etienne."

Friendship and Destiny: Elena of Avalor and Etienne of Lumièreval.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora