Bonus Chapter: Flower of Light

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Y/n was then met by the royal family of Avalor and he was then forgiven.

Y/n: Elena, I want to thank you for giving me a chance and forgiving me like that.

Elena: It's okay. I know that you had no other choice. You did everything you could do that you could save Elise's life. I understand.

Y/n: Thank you. It's nice being apart of a team together again. So, what are we doing here again? And why am I wearing?

Elena: Today is the special day that we visit the altars. Where people get to look at the altars that of love ones that are no longer with us. Didn't I explain this to you already?

Y/n: I see, I forgot. My bad. I see.

Afterwards, Elena then came across an altar which seems to be one of her close friends.

Elena: Huh? Felicia?

Felicia then came from behind.

Felicia: What?

Elena: Ah!

She then looked at her necklace and on the altar photo.

Elena: Feli?

Felicia: Eli?

They both started squealing once they have realized who each other are.

Elena: The Altar, the picture. I thought for a second you were...

Felicia: Hmph! Not yet.(gasps) You look exactly the same as when we were kids.

Elena: Well, that only because I was trapped in that magical amulet in for 41 years.

Felicia: I missed you, Eli.

Elena: I missed you, too. Remember when we got lost exploring the Crystal Caverns? Or when we raced up the Xolo Mountain?

Felicia: How could I forget? I won.(chuckles) Ay, we were inseparable back then.

Elena: But we're together now. And we have so much catching up to do. Like who is this?(pulls out photo)

Felicia: My husband Ricardo.

Elena: Oh. This altar is for him.

Felicia: Altar?(scoffs, laugh) This is just the pre-altar.

She then led Elena somewhere else.

Suddenly, the cemetery gets thrown into chaos. When Isabel explains things to Elena, the latter sees Guillermo and Sanza, who flee to the Spirit Guide. Elena summons Zuzo and asks about the pair. Felicia asks Elena who she's talking to and Elena reveals her Spirit Seeing abilities. Zuzo explains that Sanza is a Rouge Chanul who goes around telling humans to do bad stuff. Elena, Zuzo, and Felicia head to the Spirit World to stop him. Elena then ran into Y/n.

Elena: Pardon me, Y/n but I'm going to need your help.

Y/n: With what exactly?

Elena: The spirit world, there these two spirit called Sanza and Guillermo. I'm going to need your help into stopping them.

Y/n: Well, count me right in Princess. You can count on me.

They then arrives into the spirit.

Y/n: So where are they?

Elena: I don't know, they could be anywhere in here. We have to be on the lookout.

Felicia wants to find her late husband Ricardo. Elena directs her back to the mission. Zuzo tells Elena about La Flor de Luz, the portal between the Human World and the Spirit World that is opened by joy.

Friendship and Destiny: Elena of Avalor and Etienne of Lumièreval.Where stories live. Discover now