~in fundys world~

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YouTube: @r3dv3lvet91

Twitch: R3dV3lv3t

please I need popularity.

TW: implied rape


Quackity POV (get used to it):

I woke up with my clothes on the floor yet again.

"Morning sugar pumpkin."

I heard Schlatt say in his morning voice. "M-Morning Rammy.."

"What's wrong?"


"You sure? You can tell me if something's wrong."

"I-I know it's just that.."

"Just that what?"

"Please don't be mad."

"How could I be mad at you? You can tell me, don't worry."

I smiled, "I.. It's just that.. it feels like all I am to you is a sex toy or something."


"Please don't be mad I know it sounds stupid I-"

"Hey hey! It's ok. I know that's how it seems, but it's not. Trust me. I love you. Not just for sex like Wilbur does, but because, well. Your the only thing keeping me from drinking right now, or anything else. Worse or not."

I sniffed. "I.. I Just.. Cause o-"

"Before you finish of that sentence with 'cause of everything that happened in Manburg'. That's past me, let's face it, I rarely actually cared for you. Most of the time it was to make you think I cared, but that night, the night of the incident. I realized I was being careless. That I should've been much more careful, I at that moment realized I should've never done anything to you."

I pulled him for a hug, kissing his cheek. "But.. right before I was ready to tell you that I wanted to go to rehab, to change for you, you got taken from me. And no, it's not your fault in any way."

"I needed to hear that.." I grabbed the glass of wine next to me, chugged it immediately.

"Jesus Christ Quackity."


"That was there two seconds ago."

"Yeah so?"

"Just don't dive to far into it, or in other words, don't end up the same way I did."

"I won't, don't worry."

No I should worry, I might've accidentally become an alcoholic. But it's too late to turn back at this point.

I popped open another bottle and just drank straight from it. He snatched the bottle from me, I crossed my arms.

"Nope, your not getting it back."


He sighed, "Cause, Quackity, I don't want you drunk."

"Just one more sip!"

"No. Cause of you get drunk, you get horny, and I don't wanna deal with it tonight."


Fundy POV (😱 yes it's important to the story.):

I honestly love the fact that my dad is helping Q. Usually he's drunk 24/7, it's nice to have someone care for him. It's like a repeat of Manburg. Just without all the yelling and screaming.

I walked back to my bedroom and opens my door.

"I knew you went dead." Wilbur? What is he doing here?

"What do you want?" I spat, he stood up and walked towards me, locking the door. "W-Wilbur..?"

"As seeing as Quackity is occupied, you'll have to do."

"What do mean?" He looked at me, getting closer, whispering in my ear "I think you know exactly what I mean." He's always had a sicking smirk on his face. But this time, you could hear that he had it.

He dragged me to my bed. "Take off your clothes. Don't ask questions, don't scream, don't resist."

I was in shock. "W-What..? Wilbur I- I'm 16!!"


"I'm 2 years underage!!"

"Oh come on. It's not that bad."

I was outraged. "Not that bad? NOT THAT BA-" I was cut off by his hand clamping over my mouth. "Be lucky I'm not going as hard as I would on Quackity."

Time skip brought to you by R3d V3lv3t!

I was sitting in my bed, face hidden in my hands. I. Was. Done. It was over, but I had the feeling this wouldn't be the last time this happens.

"Oh come on, suck it up. It wasn't that bad. You'll be fine." His words started to blur out.

"No, no I won't be. That was painful."

"Painful? I would say it was fun but you do you I guess." And he left.

That was that. I got raped. Not only that. But by Quackitys husband, what would he think of me? Would he be disappointed? Scared? Concerned? Didn't matter.

731 words, sorry for the sadness

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