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Fundy POV:

I honestly love my dad, he's great. It's just that sometimes he try's to hard.

"Hey son?" Speak of the devil.


"Listen, i know you don't like going to therapy but-"

"Oh god."

"-my sister, Puffy, is a wonderful therapist."

"Dad, I really don't wanna go."

"Please, just for one day?"

"Fine. IF."

"Oh no."

"If I can get drunk, without interruptions for the month."

"Fundy you know Quackitys gonna kill m-"

"Fine then I won't go."

"......fine. I'll let you get drunk without interruptions for the month. If you go to therapy for just once."

"Thank you, and I will."

He grabbed the car keys. "Cmon, let's go." We drove off, after about 30 minutes of driving and dad getting lost, we finally got to Puffys place.

We walked in, Tommy and Tubbo were sitting down, waiting. "Hey Fundy."

"Hey Tommy." I spat back, I don't have the best relationship with him, after, well. Red festival. Then there was Tubbo, who hugged me and didn't let go. "FUNDY!! MY LIL BRO!!"

"Hey Tubbs!"

"Fundy?" I heard a female voice say, Tubbo let me go and I looked over to the girl standing in the door way.

"Come in." I went into her office and sat down. "So, your my brothers son?"


"K, names Puffy, though I think you know me."

"K-Kinda yeah."

"Good, you can tell me anything you want and it'll stay in this room, unless I absolutely have to tell parents something."

"Like what?"

"There's not much. Like, if your being threatened. That's the only thing."


"So? Is there anything?" I fiddled with my hands, tapping my foot on the floor and looking down.

"I, uh."

"Ok let's start simple." She said calmly.

"O-Ok." I looked at her, her long white hair draped over her shoulders.

"What are things that make you, panic?"

Yelling, screaming, people getting to close. I started counting all the things in my head. "Yelling and screaming." I said softly.

"Ok, so, why's that? Trauma? Or just loud noises?"


"Ok, so tell me about that. Like, what happened that made you like this?" I took a deep breath.

"Dad and Quackity used to argue a lot in Manburg. I always left the house when it got too much, I was always scared he'd hurt Q."

"Hm, anything else?"

"Y-Yeah, Wilbur and Quackity are married yet Wil hurts him. They argue more then dad and Q used to and it always escalates really quickly. I always hear yelling, then screaming and more yelling and then glass break, then more yelling."

"I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I'm here for you so you have someone to talk too. I promise."

I teared up. Then she took a deep breath and said; "Im not only your therapist, but I'm also your aunt."

She got up from her chair. "Anything else you wanna talk about?" I shook my head 'no' I got up and she hugged me.

"I can't promise it'll get better, I think we both know that. But what I can promise you is that I'll always be here for you."

She opened the door and I left.

I sat myself back in the car. "Can you book another session with her dad?"

He chuckled and hugged me. "Yes, of course."

Quackity POV:

I was waiting for those two to get back, I've been here for so long.

"Hey ducky." I heard someone say, I couldn't make it out who it was, I was looking down and just assumed it was Schlatt.

"I told you not to call me that."

"Oh? But I thought you liked it."

He tilted my head so I looked at him.

I looked into his eyes and said with a panicked tone.

"No, he told me you wouldn't come back. He promised."

631 words 😋

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