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TW: mentions of abuse

Schlatt POV:

I was about to grab my keys off the bedside table, don't ask me why their there.

When I heard someone bolting into the house, followed by Quackitys screaming. "JESUS CHRIST FUND-" then regular talking. Shocked Wilbur actually dropped him off at home.

I thought he was gonna take him somewhere else. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was a mess. My hair all over the place, I look like I haven't slept in days.

And worst of all, the fearful look in my eyes. I hoped, prayed I wouldn't have to beg for Wilbur not to hurt anyone. Yet here we are, while Fundy was at his session I was with Wilbur..

Flashback to what happened:

He looked as if he had something against me, some information he wasn't supposed to have. But I reluctantly got out of my car.

"Hello Schlatt." The sickening smirk Not leaving his face. "Wipe that smirk off before I do it for you. What do you even want?" I said, anger clearly in my tone.

He looked at me, his smirk widened. "I just want something from you." I sighed "And what would that be? A heart? Cause I'm sorry but neither of us have one." I spat, he obviously didn't take kindly to it.

"Let me pick up Fundy from his therapy session today." I laughed. "No. Not a chance I'm letting you take my son." He chuckled, something he wouldn't do unless he had something up his sleeve. "Oh Schlatt.. when will you learn? Hm? Do I need to tell you every time?" I started shaking, my words sometimes strong some times barely any sound. "Tell me what?" He got closer. "I have power that you don't have. I have royalty on my side! Have you forgotten?!"

Right. Ava. That son of a bitch. Why her? "And? I could easily still win, I have so many people on my side!"

"So? I know somethings. Somethings that I think the public would be very interested to know." I started shaking again. "Like what..?" He smirked, got closer and whispered in my ear.

"The incident." I gasped for air. "I have it on tape" — he continued— "every last bit of it. If you don't comply to anything, it'll be out there for everyone too see." I tried to convince myself it was all a dream. But it wasn't. I was standing in front of the man who despised me. Probably more then than anyone else ever had.

I sighed. "Fine, just don't hurt him." Wilbur laughed. "Oh you know I can't promise that." And just like that, he left. And just as quickly as he left, I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

There was a possibility I would never see my son again.


But that wasn't the case, he was at home. Safe. Because of Tommy. Thank god.

He looked at me, I sat down. I wanted to to hear the story.

After Fundy explaining the whole thing to me, he asked "hey can we go to Ava? I have evidence that he's a terrible person now." He pointed to Tommy.

"Ava will defend Wilbur with every cell of her body, you could get thrown in jail for manipulating him."

Tommy looked at me in shock. "What?! You can't be fucking serious!!" I looked at him. "I am. Now, go upstairs and get ready for your shift Fundy." I said before getting up.

Fundy went upstairs and Tommy left. I went into the kitchen. "You ok?" Quackity asked when I walked in. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine.."

"Then stop looking." He sighed, "Please
tell me what's going on." I looked at him. "I said I'm fine."

"Ok, if you say so." He kept cooking, I walked up behind him and hugged him. "I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind is all."

"Is it something that you wanna tell me?" I nodded. "Wilburs blackmailing me." He dropped everything he was doing, turned around and hugged me. "What does he even have against you?"

"The incident." I said quietly.

"The incident? Schlatt that was 15 years ago."

"Mhm, and I still get panic attacks just when someone mentions it."

He hugged me tighter. "It wasn't your fault." He whispered. "I hit you with a picaxe!" I said in response. "Shh. I forgive you for it. Ok? Please don't let him get to you." I nodded in agreement. We let go and I went to the living room to sit down.

Time skip brought to you by R3d V3lv3t ☺️💗

"Hey sugar pumpkin?"

Q looked over at me while cleaning dishes. "Yes rammy?"

"I love you!"

He giggled a bit. "I love you too!" I walked up behind him. He didn't see me.

And I smacked his ass. "HEY! WHAT THE FU-" I kissed him to cut him off. "Ok ok yeah I love you too."

"If anyone hurts you, I'm gonna fucking kill them." I said while wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder.

He giggled. "I know." He said before continuing to clean.

861 words

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