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Dear Readers,

I want to take a moment to explain to you how heaven and hell work in the world I have created. First, let me clarify that Samuel is not the same Samuel from the Bible; he is my own demon character born out of Greed. He is an Overlord, next to his brother Mammon, and is a natural born sinner who was never born on earth.

In this world, both heaven and hell are sorted out by rings. Hell's 7 rings are based off the seven deadly sins: Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy, and Sloth. Meanwhile, heaven's 7 rings are based off the Seven Heavens: The Afterworld, The Way of Wisdom and Love, The Sermon on the Mount, The Lord's Prayer, Paradise Meditation, Meditation of Love and Peace, and God.

In Hell, the seven rings are organized based on the seven deadly sins, with each sin representing a particular punishment for those who have committed it. Here is a brief summary of each ring:

Pride: This ring is for those who were too proud to acknowledge their sins during their lifetime. They are punished by being forced to constantly walk around with heavy stones on their backs, symbolizing the weight of their arrogance and self-importance.

Wrath: This ring is for those who were quick to anger and lashed out at others during their lifetime. They are punished by being forced to fight each other for eternity, with their wounds healing only to be inflicted again.

Gluttony: This ring is for those who were overly indulgent and consumed more than they needed during their lifetime. They are punished by being forced to lie in a vile slush, with foul substances raining down on them from above.

Greed: This ring is for those who hoarded and coveted material possessions during their lifetime. They are punished by being forced to push heavy boulders against each other, symbolizing their never-ending pursuit of wealth.

Lust: This ring is for those who gave in to their carnal desires and engaged in sexual immorality during their lifetime. They are punished by being tossed around in a fierce wind, symbolizing the chaos and confusion caused by their actions.

Envy: This ring is for those who were jealous and envious of others during their lifetime. They are punished by having their eyes sewn shut, symbolizing their inability to appreciate the blessings they had.

Sloth: This ring is for those who were lazy and apathetic during their lifetime. They are punished by being forced to run around in circles, with demons whipping them constantly to keep them moving.


In Heaven, the seven rings are organized based on the Seven Heavens, with each level representing a higher level of spiritual enlightenment and closeness to God. Here is a brief summary of each ring:

The Afterworld: This level is for those who have just arrived in heaven and are still adjusting to their new surroundings. They are guided by angels and given time to rest and reflect on their lives.

The Way of Wisdom and Love: This level is for those who have gained some level of spiritual understanding and are able to appreciate the beauty and harmony of the universe. They are taught by wise teachers and encouraged to seek even greater enlightenment.

The Sermon on the Mount: This level is for those who have fully embraced the teachings of Jesus and are able to live a life of love, compassion, and forgiveness. They are able to witness the glory of God and feel his love and presence.

The Lord's Prayer: This level is for those who have fully surrendered their will to God and are able to experience true peace and contentment. They are able to communicate directly with God and feel his love and guidance.

Paradise Meditation: This level is for those who have achieved a deep level of spiritual insight and are able to enter into a state of pure consciousness. They are able to connect with the divine source and feel the oneness of all creation.

Meditation of Love and Peace: This level is for those who have transcended their individual selves and are able to experience a deep sense of love and compassion for all beings. They are able to radiate this love out into the universe and bring healing and harmony to all.

God: This level is for those who have fully merged with the divine source and are able to experience the ultimate reality of God. They are able to bask in his infinite love and wisdom and become one


After the Great War between Heaven and Hell, which was waged over the souls of humanity, the ruler of the pride ring in Hell, Lucifer, and the Archangels began to make contact. Hell had become overpopulated with demons, and so to combat this issue, the Archangels instituted an Annual Extermination policy.

Every New Year's Eve, the Archangels would come down from Heaven to Hell and proceed to kill any demon they found, except for the daughter (Charlie) and wife (Lilith) of Lucifer. This annual purge ensured that the population of Hell remained in check and prevented overcrowding.

The demons are aware of this annual event and understand that if they are caught outside during this time, they will be killed. As a result, they take extra precautions to avoid being outside or being seen by the Archangels. If a demon is found outside during this annual extermination, they will be swiftly executed without mercy.

Lucifer, being the ruler of the pride ring, has a special agreement with the Archangels that allows him and his family to be spared during the annual purge. This arrangement is viewed by other demons with a mixture of envy and fear, as Lucifer's position of power allows him to negotiate for his own safety and that of his family, while the rest of the demons are left to fend for themselves.


In this world, Hell is like American Freedom but in a more terrifying way. There are no laws in the system, and the most severe punishment is being executed for trying to overthrow Lucifer. He has enslaved everyone in Hell, letting them all think they're having one hell of a party while they work for their entire eternities. Lucifer prides himself on being above God, liberating God's creations from ignorance and yet proving that they are so inferior that they could only create a system that causes each of them their perfect misery. Lucifer has created the perfect Hell, where human souls naturally put themselves in the situation they hate the most.

Please note that this world contains some triggering content, such as mentions of murder, suicide, proxy, rape, grooming, LGBTQ+ themes, homophobia, and religious trauma. If any of these topics are uncomfortable for you, please proceed with caution or consider choosing a different read.

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