The Calm before the Storm

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Gabriel had been living in constant fear, always looking over his shoulder and feeling the weight of Nox's eyes on him. He had been trying to keep a low profile, but he couldn't resist the pull of the human realm. It was the only place where he felt truly free.

One day, as he was walking through the streets, he saw Samuel. They had known each other for centuries, but they had never been close. Samuel was always busy with his business dealings, and Gabriel was too afraid to approach him.

But something was different this time. As Samuel walked towards him, Gabriel felt a strange flutter in his chest. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that he wanted to be near Samuel.

"Gabriel," Samuel said, his voice low and smooth. "What brings you to the human realm?"

Gabriel tried to keep his voice steady as he replied, "Just... taking a walk."

Samuel chuckled. "You always were a terrible liar, my friend. But I won't pry. Would you care to join me for a drink?"

Gabriel hesitated for a moment, but the thought of spending time with Samuel was too tempting to resist. "Sure," he said, smiling nervously.

They walked to a nearby bar and ordered drinks. As they talked, Gabriel felt himself relaxing for the first time in what felt like ages. Samuel was easy to talk to, and he seemed genuinely interested in what Gabriel had to say.

As the night wore on, they grew closer. They laughed and joked, and Gabriel felt a warmth in his chest that he had never felt before. When Samuel leaned in to kiss him, Gabriel didn't hesitate.

It was a simple kiss, but it felt like a promise. Gabriel knew that he wanted to be with Samuel, no matter the cost.

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