A trip down to old Ozzies

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Seven weeks had passed since Gabriel had first entered the Greed Ring, and he had grown accustomed to the vibrant colors and flamboyant demons that inhabited it. But when Samuel suggested they take a trip down to Old Ozzies, Gabriel couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. He had heard stories about the restaurant and its owner, Asmodeus, the overlord of the Lust Ring, and they were not exactly reassuring.

As they approached the restaurant, Gabriel could feel his nerves getting the better of him. The entrance was adorned with flickering candles and intricate carvings of demons engaged in various lustful activities. The aroma of spicy, exotic food wafted through the air, making Gabriel's mouth water.

"Relax, Gabriel," Samuel said, sensing his lover's unease. "I promise, you'll love it here."

They made their way through the entrance, and Gabriel was struck by the opulence of the interior. The walls were draped in silky fabrics of deep red and purple, and the tables were adorned with crystal glasses and gleaming silverware. The room was filled with the sounds of laughter and music, and Gabriel couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

"Samuel! So good to see you again!" a sultry voice exclaimed, and Gabriel turned to see a demoness with long, flowing hair and a seductive smile approaching them. She was dressed in a tight-fitting red gown that left little to the imagination.

"Lilith! You look stunning as always," Samuel said, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek.

"And who's this handsome devil?" Lilith asked, eyeing Gabriel up and down.

"This is Gabriel," Samuel introduced him. "My lover."

Lilith's eyes widened in surprise. "A fallen angel? My, my, Samuel, you certainly have a knack for finding the rarest of treasures."

Gabriel blushed at the attention, feeling both flattered and uncomfortable.

"Well, come on, let me show you to your table," Lilith said, leading them to a cozy booth tucked away in a corner of the room.

As they settled into their seats, Gabriel took in the sights and sounds of the restaurant. Demons of all shapes and sizes were engaged in various acts of lust and debauchery, and Gabriel couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He was used to the intense greed of the Greed Ring, but the lustful atmosphere of Old Ozzies was something entirely different.

As the night wore on, the atmosphere in the restaurant grew even more charged. Couples around them were engaging in increasingly intimate acts, and Gabriel couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

Gabriel felt a sudden jolt of recognition as Asmodeus's gaze landed on him. The demon's eyes widened, and he made his way over to their table.

"Well, well, well," Asmodeus purred, looking at Gabriel with interest.

Gabriel felt a shiver run down his spine as Asmodeus's piercing gaze locked onto him. The demon's eyes seemed to look right through him, as if he could see every little secret that Gabriel had been trying to hide.

"Who is this handsome devil you've brought with you, Samuel?" Asmodeus asked, his voice dripping with charm and seduction.

"This is Gabriel," Samuel replied, gesturing towards his friend. "He's never been to Ozzie's before, and I thought it was about time he experienced everything this place has to offer."

Asmodeus's lips curled into a sly grin. "Ah, I see. Well, you're in for quite the treat, my dear Gabriel. Ozzie's is the ultimate destination for indulging in all your lustful desires."

Gabriel felt a knot form in his stomach at Asmodeus's words. He had heard stories about Ozzie's before, but he never imagined he would actually end up here. The thought of being surrounded by so much temptation and sin made him feel both excited and nervous at the same time.

As Samuel and Asmodeus continued their conversation, Gabriel took a moment to take in his surroundings. The interior of Ozzie's was dimly lit, with flickering candles casting dancing shadows across the walls. The air was thick with the scent of perfume and musk, and he could hear the faint sounds of moaning and laughter coming from various corners of the room.

Before he could process everything fully, a stunning succubus appeared in front of Gabriel, interrupting his thoughts. She had long, flowing hair the color of fire and piercing green eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light.

"Good evening, handsome," she purred, her voice like honey. "Welcome to Ozzie's. My name is Mia, and I'll be your server for the evening. Can I start you off with a drink?"

Gabriel felt his face flush as Mia leaned in close to him, her ample cleavage spilling out of her low-cut top. He could feel his heart racing as he stammered out his order, trying to keep his eyes from wandering too far south.

As Mia sauntered off to fetch his drink, Gabriel realized that he was in for a wild night indeed.

Gabriel couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the restaurant. Everywhere he looked, there were demons engaging in all sorts of lascivious activities, from flirting and seduction to outright debauchery.

As Mia returned with his drink, she leaned in close to him and whispered, "Enjoying yourself so far?"

Gabriel nodded, taking a sip of the dark red liquid in his glass. It tasted sweet and spicy, with a hint of something he couldn't quite identify. "Yeah, it's definitely...different from what I'm used to."

Mia smirked. "I'll bet. But just wait until you see the main event."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "Main event?"

As if on cue, the lights in the restaurant dimmed, and a spotlight shone down on a small stage in the center of the room. A hush fell over the crowd as Asmodeus himself stepped out onto the stage, dressed in a flamboyant red suit and carrying a microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he boomed, his voice echoing through the room. "Welcome to Ozzie's! Are you ready for a night of passion and pleasure?"

The crowd roared in response, and Asmodeus launched into a sultry rendition of a classic demon love song, his hips swaying seductively as he sang.

Gabriel watched in awe as demons around him began to pair off and dance, their bodies entwined in all sorts of provocative ways. He felt a surge of arousal and desire himself, and before he knew it, Mia was pulling him onto the dance floor.

As Gabriel danced with the stunning demoness, Samuel couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy in his chest. He downed his drink and quickly made his way over to the dance floor, cutting in between Gabriel and the demoness.

"May I have this dance?" Samuel asked, offering his hand to Gabriel.

Gabriel looked surprised but took Samuel's hand nonetheless. As they began to dance, Samuel could feel the heat radiating off of Gabriel's body, causing his heart to race.

"You know, I've been wanting to take you here for a while now," Samuel said, trying to distract himself from the way Gabriel's body fit so perfectly against his.

"I'm glad you did," Gabriel replied with a smile, his eyes never leaving Samuel's.

As they danced, Samuel couldn't help but feel a sense of possessiveness over Gabriel. He didn't want to share him with anyone, especially not with some demoness at a restaurant.

"I think we should head back to my place," Samuel said suddenly, wanting to get Gabriel away from the other demons in the restaurant.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow in surprise but didn't object. As they made their way out of the restaurant, Samuel made a mental note to never bring Gabriel to a place like that again. He wanted Gabriel all to himself.

As the night wore on, Samuel and Gabriel finally left Ozzie's and made their way to the Greed Ring, then to Samuel's tent. Once inside, they shed their clothes and fell onto the bed, their passion reigniting with new fervor.

Samuel wanted to make sure Gabriel knew that he was serious about their relationship. As they moved together, Samuel whispered sweet nothings into Gabriel's ear, promising him that he would be his forever.

Gabriel moaned in response, lost in the pleasure that Samuel was giving him. Samuel's touches were so tender, so loving, that Gabriel felt like he was melting under his hands.

As they climaxed together, Samuel pulled Gabriel close, holding him tightly as they both caught their breath. "I love you," Samuel whispered, kissing Gabriel's forehead.

Gabriel smiled contentedly, feeling truly loved and cherished for the first time in his life. As they lay in bed together, holding each other, Gabriel knew that he had found his home in Samuel's arms.

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