A Lover's Protection

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After months of chaos in Hell, the Council of Heaven was falling apart without their Archangels. The only hope for restoring balance and order was to retrieve Gabriel from Hell, but he was nowhere to be found. Nox was sent on a mission to retrieve him at any cost.

Nox arrived at the Greed Ring, determined to find Gabriel and bring him back to Heaven. However, he was not prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. As he walked through the ring, he noticed a commotion in the distance. As he approached, he saw that Samuel, Gabriel's lover, was blocking his path.

"You're not taking him back," Samuel said sternly. "Gabriel belongs with me now."

Nox looked at Samuel, surprised to see him there. "I have been sent by the Council to retrieve Gabriel. I must bring him back to Heaven."

Samuel crossed his arms, a fierce determination in his eyes. "I won't let that happen. Gabriel doesn't want to go back there. He's happy here with me."

Nox hesitated. He had never expected such a strong opposition, especially from Gabriel's lover. "I understand your feelings, Samuel, but Gabriel is an important part of the Council. We need him back in Heaven."

Gabriel, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "I can't go back. Every time I remember my time in Heaven, I get terrible flashbacks. I can't focus, and it's affecting everything I do."

Nox looked at Gabriel, his heart breaking for the once-great Archangel who was now struggling with PTSD. "I understand it's difficult for you, Gabriel. But you have a duty to Heaven, and to the Council. You can't just abandon us like this."

Samuel stepped forward, his eyes flashing with anger. "Gabriel doesn't owe Heaven anything. He owes me. And I won't let anyone take him away from me."

Nox could see that this was going to be a difficult negotiation. He needed to find a way to convince both Gabriel and Samuel to come to an agreement. "Samuel, I understand your love for Gabriel. But you must understand that the Council needs him. Can we not find a compromise?"

Samuel looked at Nox, his expression softening slightly. "What do you propose?"

Nox thought for a moment. "What if Gabriel could come back to Heaven, but only for a short period of time? Just enough for the Council to discuss and resolve the issues we are facing. Then, he can return to you."

Gabriel looked at Nox, his eyes wide with hope. "Do you think that would work?"

Nox nodded. "It's worth a try. What do you say, Samuel?"

Samuel sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Alright. But I'm coming with him. I won't let him go alone."

Nox smiled, relieved that he had found a compromise. "Thank you, Samuel. I think that's a fair solution. Let's go back to Heaven."

The journey back to Heaven was long and difficult, but finally, they arrived. The Council was overjoyed to see Gabriel, but they could see the toll that his time in Hell had taken on him. They promised to do everything in their power to help him heal and recover.

Gabriel was hesitant to be in Heaven again, but with Samuel by his side, he slowly began to open up. They spent hours talking to the other Archangels, discussing the issues that had led to the downfall of the Council. Gabriel was surprised to see how much the others cared for him, even after all that had happened.

The Council of Heaven and the Archangels spent many long hours discussing the problems that had led to the downfall of the Council. Gabriel was hesitant to participate at first, but with Nox and Samuel's support, he began to open up and share his thoughts and ideas. The other Archangels listened intently, realizing how much they had missed Gabriel's guidance and wisdom.

As the discussions continued, Nox noticed that Gabriel was still struggling with PTSD. He knew that Gabriel needed time to heal, and so he took it upon himself to help him. Nox spent hours with Gabriel, listening to his fears and worries, and helping him come to terms with what had happened to him in Hell. Samuel was always by his side, supporting him every step of the way.

One day, Nox suggested that they take a break from the discussions and visit a place that Gabriel had always loved in Heaven. It was a beautiful garden that was filled with flowers of every color, and a small pond where colorful fish swam. Gabriel's eyes lit up with joy when he saw it.

"This place always brought me peace and tranquility," Gabriel said softly.

Nox smiled. "I thought it might help you relax and take your mind off things."

Gabriel nodded gratefully, and they walked towards the garden. As they entered, the sweet fragrance of the flowers filled the air, and the sound of the waterfall in the pond was soothing. Samuel walked behind them, keeping a close eye on Gabriel.

As they walked, Nox noticed that Gabriel's expression had changed. His face was drawn and tense, and he seemed to be lost in thought.

"Gabriel, is everything okay?" Nox asked gently.

Gabriel shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. "I don't know how to deal with all of this. The memories of what happened to me in Hell are still so fresh in my mind. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy."

Nox put his hand on Gabriel's shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "You're not going crazy, Gabriel. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed after what you've been through. But you're not alone. We're all here for you."

Samuel stepped forward, placing his hand on Gabriel's other shoulder. "And I'm here for you too. We'll get through this together."

Gabriel looked at both of them, feeling grateful for their support. "Thank you, both of you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

They spent the rest of the day in the garden, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Nox and Samuel made sure that Gabriel felt safe and secure, knowing that he needed time to heal.

As the sun began to set, they returned to the Council chambers. The discussions continued long into the night, but Gabriel seemed more at ease now. He was participating more actively, and his input was invaluable. Nox could see that the other Archangels were beginning to regain their trust in Gabriel, and that he was slowly regaining his confidence.

Days turned into weeks, and the Council discussions continued. Slowly but surely, they began to make progress towards restoring order in Heaven. Gabriel was still struggling with PTSD, but Nox and Samuel were always there for him, supporting him every step of the way.

One day, after a particularly intense discussion, Gabriel turned to Nox and Samuel with a smile on his face. "I think I'm ready to go back to the Greed Ring."

Nox and Samuel exchanged a glance, both knowing what a huge step this was for Gabriel. "Are you sure, Gabriel?" Nox asked gently.

Gabriel nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. I need to face my fears and move forward. And I know thatyou both will be there for me."

Nox and Samuel nodded, proud of Gabriel's bravery and determination. They accompanied him to the Greed Ring, staying by his side as he faced his demons. It was a difficult journey, but with their support, Gabriel was able to overcome his fears and take back his power.

As they returned to the Council chambers, Nox turned to Gabriel. "I'm proud of you, my friend. You've come a long way."

Gabriel smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. "I couldn't have done it without you and Samuel. You two have been my rock."

Samuel smiled. "That's what we're here for, Gabriel. We're a team."

The Council discussions continued, and with Gabriel's renewed confidence and input, they were finally able to restore order in Heaven. The Council of Heaven was once again whole, and Gabriel had regained his place as one of the most respected and revered Archangels.

Nox and Samuel continued to support Gabriel, knowing that the road to recovery was a long one. But they were determined to see him through it, no matter what. They were a team, and together, they could overcome anything.

And so, they stood strong, united in their mission to protect and restore the balance of Heaven.

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