Domino's and Chess

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November 2nd, 2023

This chapter contains depictions of emotional trauma, handling death, and sensitive topics such as sexual assault.

Gabriel walked through the desolate streets, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of life. It had been two days since the events of Halloween, and the aftermath of Heaven's downfall was all around him. Buildings were destroyed, bodies littered the streets, and the once peaceful city was now a warzone. As an angel of Heaven, it was Gabriel's duty to protect the human race, but he was alone in this task. The other angels had either fallen or gone into hiding, leaving him to face the aftermath alone.

Gabriel's thoughts were interrupted by a voice behind him. "Gabriel, it's good to see you." He turned around to see Nox, an angel he had not seen in years. Nox was a tall, muscular figure, with piercing blue eyes and golden hair. He had been sent by God to keep Samuel and Gabriel apart, as their relationship was considered forbidden in the eyes of Heaven.

"Nox, what brings you here?" Gabriel asked.

"I've been sent by God to ensure that Samuel and you do not meet. His presence is not welcome in Heaven, and you know this."

Gabriel sighed. He had been hoping to see Samuel again, despite their tumultuous relationship. "I understand, Nox. But please, if you see him, tell him that I'm okay."

Nox nodded, his expression softening. "I will, Gabriel. But please, be careful. The world is a dangerous place right now."

With that, Nox disappeared into the shadows, leaving Gabriel alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help but think about Samuel, and how their relationship had turned toxic. It was a constant battle of push and pull, with Samuel manipulating and gaslighting Gabriel at every turn. But despite everything, Gabriel couldn't bring himself to hate Samuel. He loved him, even though it was hurting him.

Gabriel's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind him. He turned around to see a group of demons, their eyes fixed on him. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here," one of them sneered. "An angel, all alone."

Gabriel knew he had to fight. He summoned his sword, ready to defend himself. The demons charged at him, their claws and teeth bared. Gabriel fought with all his might, his sword slicing through the air as he battled his attackers. It was a gruesome fight, but eventually, Gabriel emerged victorious.

Exhausted and injured, Gabriel stumbled through the streets, his mind racing. He had lost so much in the past few days - his friends, his home, his sense of safety. But he knew he had to keep going. He had to protect the humans, no matter the cost.

As he walked, Gabriel found himself outside the chambers of Raphael and Michael. The once grand doors were now charred and broken, and Gabriel hesitated before entering. He knew what he would find inside - the bodies of his fellow angels, all slain by the demons. It was a gruesome sight, one that made Gabriel's heart ache with grief.

He knelt down beside the bodies, his eyes filling with tears. These were his friends, his comrades, and now they were gone. Gabriel didn't know how to handle the grief that was consuming him. He felt lost and alone, with no one to turn to.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Nox, his expression filled with concern. "Gabriel, are you alright?"

Gabriel shook his head, unable to speak. Nox sat with him, he began to place his hand on his shoulder. Gabriel couldn't bear the pain anymore, and he broke down in tears. He cried for what felt like hours until he eventually fell asleep on the ground. When he woke up, Nox was gone, and he felt more alone than ever before.

Days turned into weeks, and Gabriel continued to struggle with the weight of his responsibilities. He felt like he was drowning in grief and despair, but he knew he couldn't give up. He had to keep fighting, for the sake of humanity and for himself.

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