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It lasted so long, so very long. Raphael and Michael were put into chambers. They never woke up. The war became more bloody, The more the war goes on, the more the earth went to chaos. We were lucky that earth didn't fall.

"AIM! FIRE!" I yelled to the Solider, more and more the demons regenerated and still attacked. We needed Raphael, and Michael. Without them, I knew we'd die. "Gabriel! Watch out!" I turned to my left seeing an angel point to me side, when I turned around a demon, coming with an battle axe. I grabbed my sword and swung as fast as I could. "Back I say!" I swung at him, cutting his skin apart. he then screamed, piercing everyone's ears. "soldier go back! Fly to the holy gates!" I watched them fly, leaving only me on the battle field. It didn't matter If I had to die, I wouldn't want my soldier to die. I held my breath and began to fight more and more. No Matter What.

At the end we had tied, not only that. During the last of the battles, there had been a treaty signed where, angels and demons would work together, so the Earth wouldn't die out. Even though this miracle happened, it didn't save Michael, or Raphael. They never came out of the bloody chambers.

December 2000

"Oh Gabriel!" I heard a voice call out to me, I turned and stared the being down, "Why hello sister, Kathrine." She looked at me, before she gave me a dirty look "Gabriel, why aren't you wearing the blindfold?" She seemed mad, before she went to me closer "You think anyone wants to see you ugly third eye?" I was flabbergasted, "Sister Kathrine, how dare you say this stuff! You sound like a demo-" I thought for a moment, "Samuel, stop pretending to be her." I watched him chuckle before he went back to his stable form "Your no fun, 3 eyes." I watched him say as he moved his dark, plaid tie, he walked closer to me, and pushed with his wing "Meet me in the ballroom. Gabriel" He said to me before walking away into the shadows of the hallways.

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