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December 20th, 2023

Gabriel and Samuel had been planning this date for weeks. It was the first time they had been able to escape their duties and spend time together since the incident with Nox. They were looking forward to spending time in the human realm, just the two of them, without any interruptions from the divine world.

As they entered the human realm, they transformed into their human forms. Gabriel felt a sense of freedom wash over him. For once, he could walk among the humans unnoticed and experience life from their perspective.

They spent the day exploring the city, hand in hand, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Gabriel felt like he was on top of the world, nothing could bring him down.

But then, as they were walking through a park, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Gabriel's instincts kicked in, and he grabbed Samuel's hand, pulling him behind a nearby tree.

Out from the bushes emerged Nox, his eyes blazing with anger. "I knew you would try to escape," he growled. "You can't hide from me forever."

Gabriel stood his ground, shielding Samuel from Nox's rage. "What do you want from us?" he demanded.

Nox smirked. "I want you to suffer, just like I suffered at your hands. You think you can just waltz into the human realm and forget about your responsibilities? You are a disgrace to the divine world."

Gabriel clenched his fists, anger boiling inside him. "We deserve to be happy. We deserve to have a life outside of our duties."

Nox laughed cruelly. "You deserve nothing. You are bound to your duties, and you will never be free of them. I will make sure of that."

Samuel stepped forward, his voice steady. "We will not let you control our lives. We will fight for our love and our freedom, no matter what it takes."

Nox's eyes narrowed. "You are fools to defy the divine order. You will regret your actions."

With a final sneer, Nox disappeared into thin air. Gabriel and Samuel were left alone, shaken but determined to keep fighting for their love and their freedom.

As they continued their date, Gabriel couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Nox's threat had left behind. He knew that they were in for a long and difficult battle, but he was willing to do whatever it took to protect Samuel and their love.

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