The Blinded Trial

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Gabriel stood before the council of angels, his heart racing with fear and anticipation. He knew what he had done was against the word of God, but he couldn't help but feel that he had found something special with Samuel. As he stood before the council, he couldn't help but think back on the events that led him here.

It was a few days after he had met Samuel in the human realm. They had spent the day together, talking and laughing, and as the sun began to set, Samuel had leaned in to kiss him. Gabriel had hesitated for a moment, but he couldn't resist the feelings that had begun to stir within him. As their lips met, Gabriel had felt a rush of warmth and happiness wash over him. For the first time in his life, he felt truly loved and accepted.

However, the happiness was short-lived. A few days later, Gabriel had been summoned to the presence of God. He had been informed that his actions with Samuel had been deemed a sin under the word of God, and that he was to stand trial before the council of angels.

Now, as he stood before them, Gabriel knew that he was doomed. The council was made up of some of the most powerful and strict angels in heaven, and they had already made up their minds about his fate. He could feel their eyes upon him, their judgmental gazes piercing through his skin.

Gabriel felt a lump in his throat, but he stood tall and spoke clearly, "My Lord, I plead guilty to the sin of engaging in a relationship with Samuel. I knew that it was against your will, but I could not help how I felt. I ask for forgiveness and mercy."

There was a murmur in the council, and Gabriel felt the weight of their judgment. He could hear whispers of "disgraceful" and "unforgivable" coming from some of the archangels.

God spoke again, "Gabriel, you knew the consequences of your actions. You have broken one of our most sacred laws, and your sin cannot go unpunished. However, we are not without mercy. We will give you a chance to redeem yourself. We will offer you a choice. You can either accept eternal banishment from heaven, or you can accept a punishment that will befit your sin."

The council members exchanged a glance before one of them spoke again. "You understand the severity of your actions, Gabriel. They have gone against the very foundation of our beliefs. We must take swift action to ensure that this does not happen again."

Gabriel bowed his head, knowing that he deserved whatever punishment they were about to inflict upon him.

"As punishment for your sin, we have decided that you shall be blinded," the council member declared, his voice cold and stern. "Your third eye, the source of your forever sight, shall be removed. This will serve as a reminder of the consequences of straying from the path of righteousness."

As the verdict was announced, Gabriel felt his heart drop. He knew what was coming next. The punishment for his sin was exile from Heaven and banishment to Hell.

The angels surrounded him and forcefully removed his blindfold, revealing his third eye. Gabriel closed his eyes, readying himself for the judgment. A blinding light shone upon him as a voice boomed, "Gabriel, for your sin against the Word, you are hereby banished from Heaven and cast into the depths of Hell."

Gabriel felt himself being pulled away, and he opened his eyes, only to see the sky above him slowly fading away. He watched in horror as his wings, once pure white, began to turn grayish-black. His body felt heavy, as if he were carrying the weight of the universe on his shoulders.

Suddenly, he was plummeting towards the ground, and he let out a piercing scream. As he fell, he felt himself losing consciousness. When he came to, he found himself lying on the ground, surrounded by a dark and desolate landscape.

He sat up, his body aching and his mind in a daze. Looking around, he saw nothing but fire and brimstone, and the stench of sulfur filled his nostrils. It was then that he realized that he had been cast out of Heaven and sent to Hell.

Gabriel tried to fly, but his wings felt heavy and his body felt weak. He stumbled forward, trying to get his bearings. As he walked, he felt a sense of dread wash over him. He was in Hell, the place where the worst of the worst were sent, the place of eternal torment.

Gabriel knew he had to find a way out, to find a way back to Heaven. But first, he needed to regain his strength and figure out how to survive in this godforsaken place.

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