Love in Greed

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Gabriel was hesitant to enter the Greed Ring. He had heard stories about the demons that resided there, and none of them were particularly positive. But Samuel's grip on his hand was reassuring, and Gabriel knew that he couldn't back down now.

As they entered the Ring, Gabriel was struck by the vibrant colors that surrounded him. The sky was a sickly shade of green, and the soil beneath his feet was a deep red. The flames that flickered in the distance were also tinted with green and red hues. The demons that roamed the Ring were all adorned in extravagant costumes, with ruffles and chains draped over their bodies. They all wore wide, toothy grins that sent shivers down Gabriel's spine.

"This is my family," Samuel said, pulling Gabriel closer to him. "They might seem a bit...intense, but they mean well."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow at Samuel's words but decided to reserve judgment until he met his family. He was led to a grandiose tent, adorned with sparkling jewels and gold. As they approached, the sounds of laughter and music grew louder.

Inside the tent, Gabriel was greeted with an explosion of color and sound. The room was filled with demons of all shapes and sizes, each dressed in their own unique costumes. Some were jesters, with brightly-colored stripes and bells adorning their suits, while others were ringmasters, dressed in purple and gold with top hats atop their heads.

As Samuel and Gabriel made their way through the crowd, Gabriel couldn't help but feel out of place. The demons stared at him with curiosity and suspicion, and Gabriel had the distinct feeling that he was being judged.

"Samuel! You're finally home!" a voice boomed through the room, and Gabriel turned to see a demon with horns protruding from his forehead making his way towards them. He was dressed in a purple and black striped suit, with a large top hat perched atop his head.

"Mammon! It's good to see you!" Samuel exclaimed, pulling the demon into a tight embrace.

"And who's this?" Mammon asked, eyeing Gabriel up and down.

"This is Gabriel," Samuel introduced him, "my...lover."

Mammon raised an eyebrow at the introduction but quickly plastered a smile on his face. "Well, welcome to the Greed Ring, Gabriel. You'll have to excuse us if we're a bit...greedy. It's in our nature, after all."

Gabriel nodded, not quite sure what to make of Mammon's statement.

The rest of Samuel's family soon gathered around them, each eager to meet the fallen angel. They were a lively bunch, and Gabriel found himself being pulled into one conversation after another. He learned about their various acts of greed, from hoarding treasure to extorting other demons for favors.

As the night wore on, Gabriel found himself growing tired. The constant noise and chatter of Samuel's family was overwhelming, and he longed for some peace and quiet.

"Are you okay?" Samuel asked, noticing Gabriel's exhaustion.

"Yeah, I'm just...tired," Gabriel admitted. "Do you think we could go somewhere a bit quieter?"

"Of course, come with me," Samuel said, leading Gabriel out of the tent and into the cool night air.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the relative calm of the outside world. Gabriel looked up at the sky, which was now a dark shade of green.

"You know, I didn't expect your family to be so...friendly," Gabriel said, breaking the silence.

Samuel chuckled. "They can be a bit overwhelming at times, but they mean well. And they've accepted us, despite our...differences."

As the night wore on, the family sat down to a lavish dinner in the grand tent. Gabriel had never seen so much food in one place, and the smells of roasted meats and sweet desserts made his mouth water.

Samuel's family sat around a large circular table, each member dressed in their finest costumes. Gabriel sat next to Samuel, feeling slightly out of place among the extravagant demons.

"So, Gabriel," Mammon said, leaning over the table to address him. "What brings you to the Greed Ring? I hope you're not here to try and convert us to your holier-than-thou ways."

Gabriel bristled at the comment, but before he could respond, Samuel jumped in. "Gabriel is here because he cares about me, and he wants to understand my world. And I'm here because I love him and want him to be a part of my family."

There was a murmur of approval from the table, and Gabriel felt a bit more at ease.

The conversation turned to various acts of greed and excess, and Gabriel found himself feeling more and more uncomfortable with each passing moment. He couldn't imagine living a life like this, where the pursuit of material possessions was the only thing that mattered.

As the dinner drew to a close, Avarice, Samuel's father, leaned back in his chair and addressed Gabriel. "So, Gabriel, what do you think of our way of life?"

Gabriel hesitated, not wanting to offend his host. "It's...interesting. I've never seen anything quite like it."

Avarice raised an eyebrow. "Interesting? Is that all you have to say? You seem awfully...lackluster for a fallen angel."

Gabriel bristled at the comment, feeling the familiar sting of shame that he had been trying to shake since his fall from grace. "I may have fallen, but I still have my pride. And I don't believe that greed and excess are the path to true happiness."

There was a tense silence around the table, and Gabriel knew that he had overstepped his bounds. Avarice stood up, his eyes flashing with anger.

"You dare to come into my home and insult my way of life? You, who have nothing but a handful of tattered wings to your name? You are nothing but a fallen angel, a shadow of your former self. You have no right to judge us."

Gabriel sat there, feeling uncomfortable under Avarice's gaze. He tried to hide his discomfort and replied, "Well, I've never been one for material possessions. My focus has always been on serving my duties as an angel."

Avarice scoffed. "Typical angelic response. Always preaching about duty and sacrifice. But what good does it do for you personally? What do you gain from your so-called duty?"

Gabriel hesitated. He knew that his beliefs and values were vastly different from those of Avarice and his family. But he didn't want to cause a scene, especially in front of Samuel's family.

Before Gabriel could respond, Samuel spoke up. "Father, that's enough. Gabriel's beliefs and values are just as valid as ours. And he has sacrificed more than any of us can imagine."

Avarice scowled at his son but didn't say anything more. The rest of the dinner was filled with awkward silences and forced conversation.

After the meal, Gabriel and Samuel retreated to their tent. Gabriel couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort and unease that had settled in his chest.

"Are you okay?" Samuel asked, noticing Gabriel's tense posture.

Gabriel sighed. "I just don't think your family likes me very much."

Samuel took Gabriel's hand in his. "Don't worry about them. They can be a bit judgmental, but they'll come around eventually. And besides, you're more important to me than their approval."

Gabriel smiled, feeling a bit more reassured. "Thank you, Samuel. That means a lot."

Samuel squeezed his hand. "I know. And I love you for who you are, flaws and all."

As they settled into bed, Gabriel couldn't help but feel grateful for Samuel's unwavering support. He knew that their relationship wasn't easy, but he also knew that it was worth fighting for.

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