Tales forgotten old and new

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The annual extermination is carried out by angels following God's orders to purge Hell of any souls deemed too wicked to be allowed to exist. The angels descend from the heavens above Hell, their armor and swords gleaming in the dim light of the underworld.

As the clock strikes midnight, the sound of clashing metal echoes through the streets of Hell. Gabriel and Samuel huddle together in the Happy Hotel, listening to the chaos unfolding outside.

"I hate this night," Gabriel whispers, his voice trembling. "It brings back too many memories."

Samuel wraps his arms around Gabriel's shoulders, pulling him closer. "I know, my love. But we're safe here. No one can touch us."

Gabriel leans into Samuel's embrace, closing his eyes and trying to shut out the sounds of screams and clashes outside. But the memories of the past still haunt him.

He remembers the first annual extermination he witnessed after his fall from grace. The angels had descended upon him and his fellow fallen, their swords flashing in the darkness. Gabriel had fought back, desperately trying to defend himself and his newfound family. But the angels were too powerful, too numerous. And in the end, Gabriel had watched as his friends were slaughtered before his very eyes.

Tears prick at the corners of Gabriel's eyes as the memories flood back. "I couldn't save them," he murmurs, his voice barely audible.

Samuel presses a soft kiss to Gabriel's temple. "You couldn't have done anything differently, my love. You were just a lost soul, trying to find your way."

Outside, the sounds of battle are starting to die down. The angels have finished their task, and the streets of Hell are littered with the bodies of the wicked.

Gabriel and Samuel stay huddled together, listening to the silence that follows the carnage. They both know that the annual extermination will come again next year, and the year after that. But for now, they have each other. And in this moment, that is enough.

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