There Story

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August 14th 0003


As Gabriel approached the clearing in the garden of eden, years before a place he'd swore to protect, as he sat down in the flowers, he noticed a sound, a jingle, close to him, he stood up quickly and stared around, he took of his blindfold and began to look around., he saw a figure in the distance. The figure was tall, much taller than any demon he had seen before. The figure wore a long black coated jester outfit, complete with a huge ruffle under his neck and bells on each side. Gabriel's instincts told him that the figure was dangerous, and he reached for the knife in his shoe pocket.

The figure noticed Gabriel's approach and turned to face him. As Gabriel got closer, he realized that the figure was not just tall, he was massive. He stood at least 7'10, and his features were sharp and angular. His eyes were a piercing yellow, and his smile was twisted and menacing.

Despite his initial fear, Gabriel noticed that the figure's movements were fluid and graceful. He could tell that this was a warrior, someone who was skilled in combat. Gabriel relaxed his grip on his knife and spoke.

"Who are you?" Gabriel asked.

The figure chuckled, a deep and throaty sound that echoed through the clearing. "Me? I'm just a humble jester, here to entertain."

Gabriel didn't believe him. He knew that demons were not to be trusted, and this one was no exception. But as he looked closer, he could see that there was more to this demon than he first thought. There was a sadness in his eyes, a weariness that spoke of a long and difficult life.

"What do you want?" Gabriel asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

The demon shrugged. "Nothing much. Just passing through, like you."

Gabriel didn't believe him, but he decided to let it go. He didn't want to start a fight if he didn't have to. As he turned to leave, he heard the demon speak again.


Gabriel turned back, surprised. The demon was looking at him with a strange expression.

"What is it?" Gabriel asked, wary.

The demon hesitated, then spoke. "You're an angel, aren't you?"

Gabriel nodded, confused.

"I know your kind," the demon said. "You're all about peace and love, right? But you don't know anything about the real world. You don't know what it's like to fight for what you believe in."

Gabriel bristled at the demon's words. He knew that angels were often seen as naive and idealistic, but he didn't think that was true.

"I know plenty about fighting," Gabriel said. "I'm an archangel. I've been in battles before."

The demon snorted. "You don't know anything. You don't know what it's like to be hated, to be feared. You don't know what it's like to fight for survival."

Gabriel felt a pang of sympathy for the demon. He could see the pain in his eyes, the loneliness in his voice. He realized that this demon was not just a monster, he was a person. And like all people, he had a story.

"What's your name?" Gabriel asked.

The demon smiled, a genuine smile this time. "Samuel. And you?"

"I'm Gabriel."

And with that, the two of them stood in the clearing, talking for hours. Gabriel listened as Samuel told him about his life, about the struggles he faced as a demon. Gabriel could see the pain and anger in his eyes, but he could also see the determination and strength.

As they talked, Gabriel began to see Samuel in a different light. He saw the kindness in his heart, the bravery in his actions. He saw a warrior, not a monster.

And as the sun set behind them, the two of them parted ways, each with a newfound respect for the other.

The Angel to your DevilOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora