Untitled Part 13

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It's been three months since they've been fused, so they've decided adjust to it and being friends already makes it eaiser.

Haruki still couldn't believe himself for agreeing to leave earth, leaving all the human food and technology. Maybe, there'll be bars?

Right now, they're hiking on a different planet much to Haruki sluggish state to keep up.

Riku forced the two up early in morning for start of the routine that they were not looking forward to.

Pega had it easy by staying in Riku's shadow to avoid getting scolded so Haruki was left to walk with him.

Riku wanted to explore what's around him, maybe that's one of reasons Riku first left earth.

After an three hours of walking Haruki sat on ground, despite Riku's protest they're in middle of road.

"I'm going back home, I can't make it further." Haruki panted a bit.

Riku bent down. "In Ultra's academy they would walk much more. Didn't your former job requires you of this?"

"I'm not gonna feel bad walking this far." Haruki rubbed his foot.

Riku glanced down at Haruki removed his sneaker to look at it. He winced at the hole in back of foot.

Haruki puts it back on decided to get up ignoring Riku's back turn to offer piggy back ride.

"Senpai, I'm taller than you. It's not a sprain." Haruki laughed awkwardly at Riku not relenting.

"I can do this or you can sit on my hand. It's dark out for anybody to notice." Riku muttered.

Haruki cheeks redden he's use to seeing people do it for grandparents. "Senpai.."

He burst of laughing as Riku helping him on his back. He shouldn't be surprised Riku is carrying him with one arm.

"Okay, we're continuing on!" Riku happily walked forward ignoring the groan from Haruki.

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