Riku's pov

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Riku paced around the ship after getting back from his uncle's home planet. He's fused with a human..permently?

The others offered little encouragement to an ultra who never wanted a host and finds this arragement super incconvient for both of them.

Riku sighed deeply as he sits down on edge of Haruki's guest bed which is so much cleaner than his own room. He can barley fight an kaiju with half his strengh, and can't use the other forms without him now.

He clutched onto his head which made Pega pat his shoulder. "Windom is damaged, I need to go-"

"Zett isn't there?"

Riku stopped his sudden movement. "He is there...I actually spied on Haruki again. Is this what Ultra's feel seperated from the host. A piece of them torn out their body-"

Riku stratched his hair roughly, he never felt so ansty since Beial.

"W-we should go anyway! Say hi and get some air." Pega tried calming him and himself down.

"Okay." Riku muttered under his breath.

"The doneshine convention should be around a week from now, so we get to some exersise in case-"

"Gives me time to explain this, he needs to know before Zett notices something."

"Pega will go by your shadow, I can't sit calmly on this ship any longer."

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