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⤃ C H A P T E R 1

"Get off me!" Jimin yelled as he struggled to get out of the man's grasp.

He got home after a long day at work and was trying to find something to eat but his routine was disturbed by the sudden arrival of his ex-boyfriend Jongho.

Jongho had had the keys to his house when they were together but Jimin never thought to get it back. What was the worst that could happen?


Jongho had forced himself into Jimin's home and was murmuring some crap about how he was sorry and how much he wanted Jimin back.

Jimin managed to get him out of the house but Jongho began trying to push himself onto jimin.

Jongho's build was way bigger than Jimin's, so it was a struggle trying to get out, that is until someone came to help him out.

"Hey! He said to get off!"


To thank this stranger for helping him, Jimin invited him in for a cup of tea saying that it was the least he could do considering that he saved him.

"Do you live around here?" Jimin asked after he put the water on

"Yeah, I moved in next door earlier this week. I was moving some more stuff in when I heard you yelling" the guy explained

"Oh! I can help you move some of your things tomorrow if you need help?"

"No it's fine I barely have anything left to move"

"Exactly so if I help out, it'll be way faster. Besides, it can be a thank you for helping me. I'm jimin by the way"

"Ah... right, I'm jungkook"

"Great! it's a date!" Jimin blurted out unintentionally and immediately began to cringe

To say the least, Jungkook was confused as to who the hell this guy was and why he just let a stranger into his house after being attacked by some guy. If it was anyone else they would be essentially traumatized and thinking about the things that could have happened to them but not Jimin apparently.

"Is helping someone move in your idea of an ideal date?" Jungkook chuckled

Jimin tries to speak but doesn't know how to respond to a question like that. Was it meant to be a rhetorical question?

"Uh- well... I-"

"Well then, I think someday I'll have to take you out and educate you on what a proper date looks like."

Blushing profusely, Jimin avoids eye contact with Jungkook.
"Who was that guy anyway?"

"Um, that was Jongho. He's my ex-boyfriend. I think he still has my key from when we were together" Jimin explained

"Ahh, you should probably change your locks then"


They make small talk for a while and get along surprisingly well, forgetting all about the tea before Jungkook had to leave.

"That was nice," Jimin said at the door

Putting on his shoes, Jungkook agreed "yeah it was, but next time, instead of tea, we should have ramyun."

It would have been an understatement to say that Jimin was shocked. His cheeks brightened and flushed with red and he stood rooted in the same spot as he watched Jungkook walk all the way back to his house.

Because of My Past (Jikook AU)Where stories live. Discover now