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⤃ C H A P T E R   11

Taking his friend's advice Jungkook showed up at jimin's door the next morning intending to ask him out seeing as they did not have each other's number. He thought it was a little strange asking someone out at their door but, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Jungkook rang the doorbell once more in case Jimin didn't hear.

He should be up by now...

Instead of Jimin, a slim brunette opened the door smiling. He had shorts and a pajama shirt on and his hair was messed up. He looked like he had just woken up.

"Good morning!" the man said

Jungkook didn't know what to say. I mean he should have thought of that. Of course, Jimin had a boyfriend, he was perfect.

Shit. I knew it, I shouldn't have come.

"Um... hello" the brunette repeated

"Oh uh hi good morning I was just looking for jimin but if he's... busy right now it doesn't really matter."
Jungkook said sheepishly

"I can go get him if you want. He's supposed to be awake at this time anyway"

"Umm no, no it's fine"

"Okay well, I'll tell him you came by"


~The next day~

Ding dong

It's like deja vu, but this time instead of Jungkook being at Jimin's door, Jimin was at Jungkook's.
"Oh hey Jimin" jungkook said as he opened his door

"Hey, uh Hoseok said you came by yesterday"

"Um... Hoseok?"

"Oh, he has brown hair? He's my friend. He said you came by yesterday"

"Oh yeah it was nothing" jungkook muttered almost like he was embarrassed but then he felt the door being yanked open wider.

Tae was over and decided to interrupt "Actually it wasn't nothing. He wanted to ask you out but he thought the guy that opened the door was your boyfriend but now that we have established that he is just your friend, I think that he's ready to give it another try."

Tae smiled as if he was proud of his little speech while Jungkook and Jimin's eyes met and there was a moment of silence.

In Jimin's eyes both amusement at this guy and a question of who he was and if there was truth to his words. And in Jungkook's, visible embarrassment and a little bit of hope as well.

"Oh I'm his brother, by the way, Taehyung but you can call me Tae, and you guys should probably exchange numbers because showing up at each other's door is not a very effective means of communication. Also, is your friend cute by any chance?"

Because of My Past (Jikook AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin