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C H A P T E R   5 ⤂

... Jungkook, 15 years old...

Jungkook was scared. If his father caught him, he wouldn't know what would happen and he didn't want to know which was why he had to get inside quietly. Jungkook loved being anywhere except home.


He supposed his house was his home if the definition of home was where you lived but if it was where you felt the safest and loved and welcomed then it would be everywhere but here. That's why Jungkook liked to be out.

Home was supposed to be safe, and anywhere where his father wasn't present was home for jungkook.

For some reason, Jungkook's dad hated it when he stayed out late. It wasn't like he cared for his safety though. Either way, this was why it was important for Jungkook to make it inside as quietly as possible.

Hoping that his dad got drunk and passed out like he always did, Jungkook attempted to open the door as carefully as possible. But because 'hope' isn't necessarily an effective success mechanism, his father was waiting for him on the couch, obviously drunk.

"Where were you?" Jungkook's dad said in an alarmingly calm tone

Stumbling over his words, fifteen-year-old Jungkook managed to speak "i- I was at a friend's house... w- we had a school project"

His dad scoffed "don't lie to me son!" His father yelled
"Do you think I'm stupid?! You don't have friends. Where were you?!"

Jungkook remained silent looking at the ground. It was always better to get it over with rather than try to defend himself and make the torture last longer.


Tears began to fall from Jungkook's eyes as he shook in fear. He didn't even know why he still cried. He should've been used to it by now. This was his norm.

His father rose from the couch angry for no apparent reason and made his way to Jungkook then promptly slapped him across the face.

"You piece of shit! Lying to your father?! Who do you think you are!"
Another swing was aimed at Jungkook hitting him in the nose. This time a punch.

"First you go and kill your mother then you decide to become an incompetent child who can't fend for himself!"

If anyone was to listen close enough, they would have heard nothing but jungkook's cries that night and his father's aimless blaming.

Blaming Jungkook for her mother's death and letting him know he was worthless with every blow.

Jungkook wanted to scream at the top of his lungs that he knew! He knew he was a murderer! He knew he was pathetic!


Jungkook lay there on the floor bloodied up sobbing quietly. His father was passed out on the couch. Jungkook too kind of wished that his mother was alive. He wished that he didn't survive.

That night was the first night that Jungkook really thought about ending it all.

Because of My Past (Jikook AU)Where stories live. Discover now