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⤃ C H A P T E R   6

Dance was the only thing that remained consistent in Jimin's life. Boys came and went, and dance remained. Through his adult life and dumb high school drama, dance was the one thing that always made sense to him so it was only fair that he remained committed to it.

Dance was his first love and recently he began to wonder if it would be the only thing he'd ever love.

A knock echoed across the studio he was in and Jimin immediately knew who the unexpected guest was and what the visit was about.

Hoseok walked into the room with a teasing smile plastered across his face.

Jimin and Hoseok met each other at college where Jimin majored in contemporary dance and Hoseok majored in hip hop. They ended up being roommates and became inseparable since then.

If one couldn't go home for the holidays for some reason and had to stay at school, the other would choose to keep them company instead of going home. They were the dynamic duo of their year and were basically attached at the hip.

"Hyung, don't you have a class soon?" jimin asked lacing his voice with playful irritation

Joining Jimin where he was stretching on the floor Hoseok replied, "nope! Not for another thirty minutes. Then he laid on his stomach, hands propped on his chin, and eyes focused on Jimin as if waiting for something.

"What?" Jimin knew what Hoseok wanted to talk about but it wasn't a big deal! He just hung out with a guy, a cute guy, who also happened to be really nice and really attractive and coincidentally also happened to be just his type and his neighbor.

"Ooo you're smiling, who is he? What happened? How did you guys meet? Also, you didn't call me. I told you to call me!"

Ignoring the last bit of Hoseok's questioning, Jimin told him everything that had happened that weekend. About Jongho showing up, Jungkook coming to save him, the ramyun comment, and how they ended up at the restaurant but ends his whole speech with "he's just my neighbor though"

"Just your neighbor who you're really into" Hoseok teased raising his eyebrows

"He's alright I guess"
Jimin rolled his eyes trying to school his expression but his smile couldn't help but breakthrough.

"You like him huh?"

"I never said that! I just said he was nice"

"I have to go but we're not done with this conversation okay? Let's go get drinks after. Unless you have plans for more ramyun with Mr. nice?" he said chuckling

"Aish fuck you Hobi" now Jimin was all red and flustered

"Hey! Watch your mouth there are kids in the building!" Hoseok laughed as he exited the room

Because of My Past (Jikook AU)Where stories live. Discover now