32. Favourite love song

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Lisa almost started running, she left as fast as she could, she didn't look back when Somi offered a ride, there's no way she would go in a car with her and her sister, she is not dumb, even with the harsh words Soyeon has been throwing her all day the chef has seen the latter change, her eyes softens every single time she looks at Lisa and most importantly the grumpy boss has been avoiding her.

Today was the proof that something is happening to Miss Jeon and Lisa doesn't wanna be in that situation, she doesn't wanna hurt anyone, and she doesn't want to assume things but all the signals are there, maybe it's true, from hate to love there's just a step, she definitely want to avoid the awful situation ahead, she has been nice to everyone in her internship, just because she is like this, only pure intentions and is there a possibility that Soyeon has mistaken her actions?, but how? So far Lisa has been the first confronting the young leader, trying to remain calm when the latter  yells to everyone, scoffing when the girl is all annoying, there's no way she has been kinder to her former boss.

Lisa was hoping she is just overthinking and her boss just dislikes Jennie, after all the idol said they distanced over the past years or maybe Soyeon just wanted to make her feel unwelcome.

It seemed troubles were always following Lisa, jealousy was making her night miserable, cause it was obvious the idol was affected by Soyeon's attitude, Jennie, the stubborn idol picked this as her personal battle, to act charming in front of Soyeon, showing a display of power when it wasn't necessary, Jennie shouldn't act this way, trying to claim the young chef, Lisa has been honest all the time and not because someone is interested in her it means she would leave the one she loves the most.

Lisa felt overwhelmed, mad tired and she needed to think, to breath deeply, she needs time for herself and in a way she was glad Jennie avoided her too, at least they didn't have uncomfortable silences, of course it hurts her, the brunette was being unreasonable, it's not like Lisa is out there looking for an 'adventure' with other person, she was just doing her job, in a kitchen, full of guys and girls cooking the hell out of the event, nothing more, this is her future, if Jennie only could understand that everything that Lisa has is this, her cooking skills and her career, she lost everything years ago and this is the only thing that makes her keep going, her life revolves around this achievement, she wanna prove herself that she can do it, she wants to feel her parents sacrifices were worthy, she wants to prove to everyone they were wrong when they judged her and belittled her, when they said she wouldn't make it, that she was a loser.

A few tears rolled down her cheeks and then her phone started ringing, she didn't bother to look who was calling, knowing Jennie she would try to pick her up somewhere close, so she avoided the crowded avenue and took another way, it was really late and she was hoping the train would take her home, but if it was necessary she would walk.

After a few minutes walking she saw her phone flashing Smith's phone number but she didn't ignored the call and kept going her way, the Thai realised that outside the train station there was Jennie's car so she decided to keep walking and take a taxi.

After half hour she was finally home, with at least 96 missed calls from Smith and Jennie, she took a moment to think, after a while she decided to take her phone and text both saying she was fine and for now she wanted to be alone and rest, she was upset for sure, but didn't want they were worried, after all she knows they care about her, but she needs time, and her own space.

Lisa got inside her room and plopped on her bed, everything seemed too overwhelming and she just wanted to sleep, and forget about all this, at least for a few hours.


The next morning Lisa woke up feeling even more tired, still she had to go to school and get some materials, her finals were close and she already paid for everything, she didn't feel like going, she felt overwhelmed, it was nice she had the day off, luckily after the big event last night she was free from her duty in the hotel, it was a reward for a hard job according to Mr. Han.

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