47. Let me

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Smith couldn't stop smiling, Jennie seemed so happy throwing balloons from Jisoo's balcony, the manager wasn't around so they got inside just like that, since Jennie had keys in case Jisoo needed something, it was easier than to call the manager or break in.

Yeah break in, Smith had to remind Jennie about the extra keys she had, since the idol was already messing with the lock

"Oh god Smithie!, you take away all the fun"

That's what she said when she got interrupted by the bodyguard, Lisa was too busy laughing non stop to like stop Jennie.

When Jisoo arrived home she wasn't happy to see the big mess the trio had done, water all over her floor and balloon pièces everywhere, she went to the balcony and that's when she lost it "Jennie! What the hell are you...", she didn't had time to keep yelling, a big water balloon exploded right on her face.

"JENNIE! Oh my god, I swear I'm gonna kill you, why are you...", this time three balloons hit her, the water was cold, freezing cold, Smith, Jennie and Lisa were all wet and laughing hysterically and Jisoo wanted to cry out of frustration but then something clicked, Jennie was laughing and Lisa was here with her, happiness replaced her initial anger.

"You are a bunch of weirdos!", they all laughed and then she felt someone hugging her, it was Jennie, a strange feeling invaded her, it was weird for Jennie to show such a big display of affection, "Jisoonie, sorry for breaking in, I think I messed up the lock", "You are weird, you have a key card, don't mess with me, anyway I'm glad you are here, so were you targeting drunk people again?", Jennie nodded "Yeah but it seems a slow night for the club, well considering it's a weekday, there aren't many annoying drunk people so, we had to start a war".

Jisoo just nodded and smiled "Let me throw some balloons", Jennie grinned like a happy kid


Later that night all of them were wearing comfy clothes that Jisoo gave them, luckily the manager had a set of clothes for her father, otherwise Smith would have ended wearing really tight PJ's.

Jennie seemed really amused talking to Lisa while Smith was playing on his phone and Jisoo couldn't believe it was possible to see her dear cousin so content after seeing her breaking down a few hours ago, Lisa was the key on this, Jennie never felt like this for someone, it was easy to see even if the idol didn't say anything about it.

The way Jen gets lost looking at the chef and smiling non stop made that evident, yeah she has been dating for a while, but nothing like this, and that's why the manager decided to talk to Jennie when she went to see her, she scolded her, she said  how the brunette needed to be strong by herself, she said how Jen didn't need anyone, and that it was possible to get better just by wanting it, with your inner strength, your meds and therapy, why would you need someone else to be there for you?, and now the answer was right there, in front of her.

Jisoo felt so dumb, it's just that for her emotional things aren't that important, after all she grew up by herself, she taught herself to don't need anyone, because she didn't have anyone to rely on, her parents were always working, her older siblings were always doing tons of activities far from her, she would play alone all the time, and while growing up romantic love didn't seem that appealing, most likely seemed foolish, too naive, too restrictive, too much for her, she didn't see herself sharing everything with one person every single day, she always craved for her independence, but now looking at the sweet interaction between her cousin and the chef, things didn't seem that sickening, Lisa was a trustworthy person, no hidden motives, plus Jennie seemed happy, and that was something that could make her change her perspective about relationships, still she wasn't looking for one at all, that was something she never had as a priority, the right people will come when it is time.

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