♡ vingt-deux ♡

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Jeongin was going through the baby clothes for the thousandth time that day when Hyunjin walked in, hands shoved into his pockets. "Sir?" Jeongin asked, pushing the clothes from his lap. He was sitting in the middle of their bed, the bags of clothes surrounding him, they've been in his possession for a week but he couldn't get over how they felt or how small they were. He'd been examining them fondly all afternoon. "Looks like Lee isn't going to wait much longer. He wants us on his show pretty badly,"

Hyunjin told the sub, watching as he pouted, folding a yellow onesie. "I told him that we weren't going to go but he's made an announcement about it today, said we'd be on there this evening," Hyunjin added. He wanted to wait one more month, the douchebag couldn't wait one more month. Jeongin was only ten weeks, things could still go wrong. "Everyone would want to know," Jeongin curled both his hands around his belly. The twins had gone through a much needed growth spurt and now Jeongin's belly, if you knew he was pregnant, was unmistakable. He had a little pouch that stuck out two fingers past the lip of his pants, he's grown out of many of his jeans and moved onto jeggings and tights.

"They're growing though. That means everything's good right?" He asked, scooting himself off the bed so he could walk to Hyunjin and snuggle himself in the Dom's warm chest. Hyunjin sighed, pulling his hands from his pockets to wrap them around Jeongin, holding him as tight as he dared. "Chan has assured they're perfectly fine. In two weeks we can do another ultrasound and get more pictures, their heartbeats," Hyunjin told Jeongin, nodding toward the baby book the sub had started to make. Jeongin nodded, looking up at Hyunjin with wide blue eyes and a huge smile. "I'm going to tell Lee that we'll be there," Hyunjin added and Jeongin smile went away, the sub furrowed his brows.

"I don't like him," he voiced, pulling from Hyunjin's grip to start putting the baby clothes away. It wasn't good to just leave them out, he didn't want to lose any. "Chan and Felix will join us to help make sure everything goes smoothly. With the paps and all, I need Chan to be close to make sure nothing happens," Hyunjin said, turning to leave the room. He had to type the email out. "Can I go with you? I'll be quiet," Jeongin promised, folding his arms around his middle, it was habit now, Hyunjin figured it was something motherly.

"You can come with me," Hyunjin agreed, holding a hand out in invitation for Jeongin to join him. The boy quickly hanged up the baby clothes so he could join Hyunjin, tucking himself under Hyunjin's arm. The Dom led them to his office, but he released Jeongin so that Jeongin could sit on his usual couch and he could sit at his desk. Jeongin was quiet like he promised as Hyunjin typed up the email, but he was quietly pouting as he rubbed soft circles onto his belly. It wasn't Hyunjin's fault that they had to go talk on Mark Lee's show, and Jeongin wasn't at all angry with him. He simply wanted the talk show host to fall off the face of the earth. In the back of his mind he could almost hear Hyunjin's light scolding, telling him that good boys don't have violent thoughts like that, but then again Hyunjin had also told Jeongin to treat Mark Lee however he pleased. If Jeongin could follow through with it without embarrassing Hyunjin on live television again, then he would give Lee a piece of his mind. He'd tell him to get away from Hyunjin because Hyunjin was Jeongin's. Hyunjin was his Dom and he wasn't going to just let other subs get all handsy and flirty with the older man. "Sweets, why are you scowling?" Hyunjin broke Jeongin from his train of thought, and Jeongin's head snapped up in surprise.

"Oh," Jeongin croaked, embarrassed at being caught seething, but he couldn't lie to his Dom. "Because I don't like Mark Lee." The Dom sighed, shutting his laptop and leaning back in his chair, "Come here, pet." Jeongin hurried over, preparing to sit on Hyunjin's lap before his hand fluttered nervously to his stomach, "I'm getting bigger, if I sit on your lap I might hurt you and I-" "Sit," Hyunjin insisted, patting his lap. "Come on Jeongin, you aren't going to hurt me. Sit." The sub climbed onto Hyunjin's lap, curling as best as he could with his growing belly and tucking his head into Hyunjin's neck like he always did. Hyunjin was quiet, and it took Jeongin a few moments that Hyunjin was waiting on Jeongin to explain further about why he was scowling over Mark Lee. Pressing his lips to Hyunjin's neck, Jeongin muffled his words as he spoke fast, "I hate Mark Lee because he's a pushy sub and he always touches you and flirts with you and I know he hates me too because he treats me like he's above me when he's a sub too!" Hyunjin stroked soothingly at Jeongin's hair, pulling gently at Jeongin's arm so he'd sit up and look at the Dom, "You don't have to be jealous, pet. Mark is a stunningly handsome man but-" at Jeongin's wide eyed look of horror, Hyunjin laughed, cupping the smaller man's face

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