♡ trente et un ♡

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For the rest of the day, both men were anxious and on edge. By the time Chan and Felix showed up Jeongin was desperate to see the babies again, but he stayed and sat quietly in his wheelchair. Their visiting friends had brought them both suitcases of clothes and their shampoos and conditioners, and Jeongin even got to shower and change from his gown, yet he couldn't make himself stop worrying.

To make matters worse, Hyunjin was quiet, too. But he knew that the Dom wasn't angry with him because Hyunjin didn't seem like he was ignoring Jeongin, he seemed like he was ashamed of himself, almost apologetic towards Jeongin. Felix seemed nervous about the whole ordeal, shielding his stomach that held a ten week old baby, "They don't have enough evidence at all. They haven't even seen you with the babies." "Jeongin hasn't even gotten to hold them yet, right?" Chan huffed. "Yeah, they can't just jump to conclusions based off of what Mark says. They can't take them."

"You can just sue them if they try?" Felix suggested. Hyunjin was still silent, looked exhausted, and Chan attempted to coax him into going home and resting, "I'll stay here with Jeongin and you'll be the first to know if anything happens. You're dead on your feet-" "I'm fine," Hyunjin finally huffed. "Really, I'm fine. I'm staying here with Jeongin. He and our babies might need me." Jeongin didn't dare protest, as whereas Chan was allowed to speak out and try to make Hyunjin do something, Jeongin, as a sub, was supposed to respect his Dom's wishes. Once Chan and Felix had left, after Jeongin had caught Felix's hand to quietly congratulate the boy, Hyunjin helped Jeongin into bed and helped him tuck the blankets around himself. "Sir," Jeongin murmured. "You should sleep." "The same goes to you," Hyunjin replied. Jeongin blushed a bit, "I need to pump before I do that, though. I was going to ask a nurse to get it for me though so you can-" But Hyunjin was already retrieving the breast pump from the corner of the room and bringing it over, "Don't be silly." Once Jeongin was situated with the pump, Hyunjin settled down quietly to wait. Jeongin, on the other hand, had had enough of Hyunjin's silence. He was terrified and when he was terrified it was always Hyunjin assuring him that made everything okay again. "Why are you so quiet?" Jeongin croaked out. "Did I-" "You've done nothing wrong, so don't start thinking that you have," Hyunjin said instantly. Jeongin tried not to squirm too much, he didn't want to disrupt the pumps he had attached to himself, "But you didn't do anything wrong either." After several moments, Hyunjin shrugged,

"It was just the questions she asked. They were very... she knew our weak spots, hmm?" "Was it about your parents?" Jeongin squeaked, reaching for his Dom. Even in the midst of worrying about his babies Jeongin had felt his heart go out to Hyunjin in that instance that the woman had brought up Hyunjin's parents' death. Hyunjin shrugged once more. Jeongin was beginning to grow very hesitant towards shrugging. "Not so much that. More so... what I've done. Mistakes I've made in the past that ended up badly." Jeongin stared at Hyunjin, at a loss for what Hyunjin was talking about. His mind churned as he attempted to run back through the dreadful questions the woman had asked. He didn't want to focus much on it, but he wanted to help his Dom. And then he realized it. By mistakes, Hyunjin was referring to letting Brandon stay in the house even after he had beaten Jeongin. Hyunjin was still bothered by that, and Jeongin was stunned because he expected that he and Felix were the only ones who would have to deal with thoughts like that soon, and it made him feel incredibly selfish that he hadn't considered Hyunjin feeling that way.

"This is about him, isn't it?" Jeongin gasped, pulling the pumps away from himself. He'd already produced more than normal, which surprised him a little, but he set the bottles aside and flipped off the machine. "You never told me that it bugged you still." Hyunjin was going to try and avoid the subject, Jeongin could tell by the way he stood to try and put back up the pump and bottles, but Jeongin caught his arm. The Dom gave Jeongin an arched eyebrow, but upon giving the black haired man a pleading look, Hyunjin spoke, "That would be a very selfish thing for me to do. I know that thinking about it still makes you upset and I don't want to be the one to do that. Hell, you still have dreams about him and you won't even tell me what they consist of. You've only actually told me once that you've had a dream about him and the rest of the times you wake up in a panic you say you can't remember, but I know you Jeongin. You're my sub and I know you, so I try and go off of what I know to do what's best for you.

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