♡ trente-trois ♡

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Jeongin couldn't sleep at all. Being out of the hospital should have helped him he figured, but he wasn't in the hospital with his babies. Of course he couldn't see them at night anyway, but when nurses would come in he'd ask for updates on them if he was awake. His babies were at least within his reach, but at home they were nearly twenty minutes away.

His chest ached at the thought. He was awake at 3am, only having been sleeping for about four hours. Hyunjin slept like a rock beside him, despite promising to be up if Jeongin was up. The Dom needed his sleep, Jeongin knew just how tired the man was. Rather than lying in bed and sniffling, Jeongin carefully got up and made his way downstairs so he wouldn't wake Hyunjin. His incision still ached and tugged painfully, especially when he stood straight.

His hands were always pressed there anyway in longing for the skin to still be firm and stretched, missing the little nudges he would feel from time to time. His poor Little Fuzzies were no longer apart of him, they were somewhere he couldn't care for them, and he hated it. He sat in the living room where Hyunjin had placed the pump, and he tried to pump at least a full bottle to take with him when they went to the hospital. It gave him something, made him feel like he was caring for his babies even when he wasn't there to physically do so. But around 6am he ended up dozing off on the couch only to be woken up thirty minutes later by the weight of a thick blanket being tucked around him. His eyes flashed open, and he was met with a slightly more rested looking Hyunjin.

The Dom gave Jeongin a worried look, "Why weren't you in bed?" "Couldn't sleep... I had two bottles that were half full, do you know where they went?" Jeongin's eyes scanned the coffee table. "I put them in the fridge," Hyunjin replied. "How long were you up?" Jeongin shrugged weakly. If Hyunjin knew the truth he might make Jeongin go back to bed, but if Jeongin avoided the subject he could avoid lying and they could go see their babies. "I'm not sure. Can we go see the babies?" Jeongin asked hopefully.

Hyunjin nodded, hesitantly sitting beside Jeongin and leaning in for a kiss. Jeongin turned his head to allow Hyunjin to kiss his cheek, but he hadn't yet brushed his teeth so he didn't want to kiss Hyunjin with morning breath. It made the Dom look a little upset, so Jeongin gave him a quick, closed mouth peck on the lips. A hand grabbed his own, and Hyunjin's voice was strained as he asked, "W-Where's your ring?" "On the nightstand," Jeongin replied. "I must have forgotten to put it back on after you helped me shower last night. I didn't want soap residue on it..."

"I'll get it for you," Hyunjin mumbled. "Go in the kitchen and see if Leonard is in yet. That's the cook by the way. Inform him that we need breakfast, I don't really care what so I'll let you choose." "Yes sir," Jeongin responded. "Call me Hyunjin," Hyunjin insisted. "You're allowed to call me Hyunjin now." Which in all honesty Jeongin did love. Calling Hyunjin by his real name made Jeongin feel like he was showing Hyunjin just how much he loved him. One of the biggest things that kept Jeongin grounded was Hyunjin. His Dom and his husband. If Jeongin had to go through his babies being in the hospital alone he would have shattered to pieces, he was sure of it.

But Hyunjin kept things together, Hyunjin made Jeongin feel like things could be okay. The Dom helped Jeongin up off the couch so Jeongin could go speak to Leonard, and then Hyunjin slipped quietly off and up the steps to retrieve Jeongin's ring. Jeongin hardly ever took it off anyway, he'd worn it nearly his entire hospital visit, but just like with his collar he would take it off so that it didn't get damaged, and then he'd put it right back on again. He loved both of them, symbols that he belonged to Hyunjin and that Hyunjin belonged to him.

He requested that Leonard make them some simple oatmeal because he knew it was fast and easy to make, and that they'd be able to eat quickly and head straight to the hospital to see their babies. Felix was seated at the dining table as Jeongin came back out of the kitchen, and the blonde lad gave him a sleepy smile. "Morning, Jeongin." "Good morning," Jeongin said softly, carefully sliding into a chair across from Felix. His hands rubbed his tired eyes, and Felix gave a hum of empathy. "You look exhausted... where's Hyunjin, is he still sleeping? That's not like him." Jeongin shrugged weakly,

Harsh (Hyunin)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن