♡ dix-huit ♡

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"The court date is tomorrow," Felix said, looking down at the paper that he had gotten in the mail. "Are you going to go?" Chan asked, looking over the rim of his cup as he took a drink. They were at the dinner table for lunch, Jeongin and Hyunjin were supposed to join them but were late for some reason. "I don't know," the blonde said, staring at his... old Dom's name. He was sure, almost 100%, that he was going to be reassigned. "I know Hyunjin and Jeongin aren't going," Chan said softly.

"Jeongin is still unwell when it comes to the subject, and Hyunjin is trying to avoid committing murder." "I love him," Felix said suddenly, rubbing his hands over his face. His Dom, someone he'd been with for years, was going to go to prison. For sure, there was no denying it. Felix would be reassigned and who knew where in the world he would be relocated to? Who knew what kind of Dom he would be under? "You love him or the person you thought he was?" The kind Dom questioned gently. Pushing Felix too far right now was the exact opposite of what he needed. "Where's Hyunjin and Jeongin?" Felix asked, avoiding the question. "I think I heard them in Hyunjin's office earlier," Chan sighed, but then he smirked a little. "Jeongin is loud." Felix cracked a small smile as well, "I don't think they've ever used their playroom. But as long as Jeongin is okay, then I guess it's not my business."

"He's getting better," Chan assured. "Slowly, but that's applicable with what he's gone through. Hyunjin helps him loads, he needs Hyunjin." At that moment, the two came down the steps together. The older man had his arm curled around Jeongin's waist, looking somewhat smug. Jeongin looked a bit disheveled, rumpled clothes, rumpled hair, and glassy eyes. His lips were puffy and his face flushed. He certainly looked like he had been ravished. Almost immediately, for Jeongin's sake, Felix and Chan dropped their conversation of Changbin. Felix did, however, slip Hyunjin the paper as the Dom sat Jeongin down in a chair. Hyunjin went from content to tense shouldered almost immediately, the man's face darkening. He simply shook his head, offering the paper back to Felix as Jeongin looked up at his Dom with wide and confused eyes. "No thanks," Hyunjin said simply, sitting himself down next to Jeongin and placing his hand onto Jeongin's thigh. Jeongin shivered a little, and Felix was fairly certain that the younger boy either had been or still was in subspace. He just seemed to be a little lost, and Hyunjin was soft and gentle as he moved and touched Jeongin. It made Felix's chest ache a little, because he didn't have that anymore. Then again, he hadn't had it for a long time. With Changbin he had ended up subdropping more often than not.

"Hello lads," Chan murmured, and Hyunjin gave him a slight smile. "Alright, pet?" Hyunjin asked Jeongin softly. The younger boy nodded, and Hyunjin kissed his temple. "Good." Felix examined the small boy, eager to talk to him, but Jeongin was sitting quietly and very still despite leaning towards Hyunjin. The blonde figured he should make sure Jeongin was allowed to speak, Changbin had always made Felix wait for permission as well, "Can I talk to him?" "Of course," Hyunjin's brow furrowed in confusion. Felix smiled at Jeongin then. The boy was directly across the table from him, and Felix reached out to pat the hand Jeongin had resting atop the oak surface, "If Hyunjin agrees, do you want to watch another movie later?" For several moments, Jeongin was quiet, as if he was trying to process Felix's words. Eventually he nodded,

"If he's there too." "I'll be there," Hyunjin assured, rubbing Jeongin's back gently. The younger boy shivered again, and Hyunjin stood and kissed his cheek. "Stay right here pet, hmm? I'll be back quickly, I'm just going to get you some warm tea and a blanket." Jeongin looked a bit lost as Hyunjin walked off, but Felix grabbed his attention again, "He cares so much for you, you all are very good for each other." Jeongin blinked, but then he cracked a small smile, "I love him." Before Felix could respond, Hyunjin was back with a warm blanket that he draped over Jeongin's shoulders and tucked around him, and the cook brought out a large tray of food as well as some warm tea for Jeongin. Hyunjin slid the boy his mug, kissing the top of his head, "No sugar, just how you like it." Felix's heart broke a little bit more, because he knew what it was like to love someone so much that you'd do anything for them.

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