♡ dix-neuf ♡

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The two Doms and the sub talked for nearly half an hour about what Hyunjin and Jeongin needed to do, and whereas Jeongin was still trying to grasp onto the idea that he had life inside of him, Hyunjin continued to grill Chan with questions. "Approximately when will he be due? I'll need to schedule a break in my online work, and I need to make sure I'm not needed over in the States,"

Hyunjin asked, and Jeongin felt grateful that Hyunjin was at least thinking things through clearly when everything suddenly seemed so jumbled. "Well it's the middle of March now... so around October or November," Chan murmured. "But we need to take into account that he's pregnant with twins, which could be born a little earlier." The wavy haired Dom nodded, "How many times will he need a check-up? And are you qualified or do I need to hire another personal doctor to make house visits?"

"I'm qualified," Chan assured. "Jeongin is only just now four weeks, so I say we schedule an appointment for at least five weeks from now. That's when we'd be able to try and find heartbeats." Hyunjin was quiet, and his eyes flitted onto the younger boy, "Do you have any questions, pet?"

"Uhh..." Jeongin squeaked. "Are they healthy?" Chan smiled at the boy, "Don't worry too much about that. They're basically just a little ball of cells at the moment, so we can't really tell how they're doing... but if they're in there so far then we're okay. It is a very crucial time for them, but in all honesty we can't do much to help them besides get you started on prenatal vitamins." "I can have them delivered with the groceries," Hyunjin told the younger boy. "I suppose this means we'll have to make sure you're eating as well. So we will no longer be skipping meals." Chan shifted a little bit, "I'm kind of waiting for the most obvious question here." Hyunjin and Jeongin both looked to the friendly doctor, and Hyunjin arched a brow,

"Which is...?" "Your lifestyles? BDSM and babies, I'd say that's a pretty big topic," Chan pointed out. Jeongin's Dom scratched at his jaw, nodding to himself, "I hadn't thought about those things yet. I'm not... extreme out of the bedroom, though. We haven't even been extreme in the bedroom, so much has been happening." "Well you don't have to put it out of option altogether," Chan informed. "It's how everyone lives, we're all born into these things, and so clearly if our parents are still living the BDSM lifestyle, it's possible to have kids and still be a part of it."

Jeongin gasped, lightly touching his flat stomach, "I wonder if they'll be Doms or subs..." "I was thinking more in terms of boys or girls," Hyunjin mumbled, and Jeongin's heart swelled a little bit at the thought. These were his and Hyunjin's babies, babies Hyunjin said he hadn't particularly wanted, but Hyunjin was already curious over their genders. "But anyway, if it's not out of the picture completely, what is?" Chan was messing around with the frozen ultrasound screen, but he spoke to them as he did so, "Obviously any of Jeongin's reds, not that you would do them anyway. I'm not entirely sure what they are but I can probably guess a few. Spanking, I don't think it's entirely out of the picture. Just don't knock him around and always make sure he won't be falling or stumbling, even if you are hitting in spanking zones. Paddles, hands, anything is fine really.

Bondage... right now I think it's okay, but further into the pregnancy Jeongin really shouldn't be flat on his back for long periods of time, nor should he be on his stomach, so don't trap him there. Perhaps always give him access to one hand. Blindfolding is obviously okay, that won't harm anything at all. Orgasm denial is fine. Breathplay is a massive no."

"It's always been on the maybe's, but I'm not even sure if I could do that anyway," Hyunjin said instantly, suddenly seeming to forget Jeongin was in the room as he engaged in a Dom based conversation. "Have you done it before?" "Nah," Chan shook his head. "No one has ever really trusted me enough to."

"It just seems a bit unnerving to cut off their air supply, I prefer Jeongin breathing," and then Hyunjin remembered that Jeongin was present again. "So while he's pregnant it's a no and it's probably a no anyway." "After the babies are born we could try it, sir," Jeongin shrugged. "I trust you." "Mmm..." Hyunjin reached out to momentarily cup Jeongin's jaw. "We'll see then, we still have lots of time before the babies are born. I don't mean I plan on making you lose your trust, I just mean we'll see if it ever comes up in the bedroom or playroom." Jeongin looked to the frozen screen shyly, "Can I have like... a picture of them? You can do that, right?' Chan nodded, "Already getting all the information down so you know todays date and all that," he said pressing one final button. There was a noise from the printer in the next room, Chan's office. "I'll get that now, wait here." Jeongin tucked his hands under his thighs, not wanting to be touching his stomach all the time. He had caught himself twice already, rubbing the flat skin there. Hyunjin was watching Jeongin quietly. The pregnant man seemed so happy now that he was pregnant.

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