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Jeongin was seated on Hyunjin's lap as they sat at Hyunjin's desk, and he felt so, so incredibly full. With every shift of himself or Hyunjin the round plastic silicone inside him rubbed relentlessly against his prostate. And it was so good because he was so full and the pretty lavender plug that he knew was pressed inside him was only a promise of what was to come later.

Hyunjin was typing an email to someone, and Jeongin knew that he wasn't supposed to distract Hyunjin when he was busy, but Jeongin needed Hyunjin's attention, he needed Hyunjin to see how good he felt. He gave a pleading whine, pawing at Hyunjin's chest, only to be wrapped up strongly in Hyunjin's embrace. Only the fullness was suddenly gone, leaving him empty and desperate. They weren't in Hyunjin's office, either, but tucked beneath their blankets with Jeongin being held gently to Hyunjin's chest. Jeongin could only whimper at the lack of something inside him, and he was so incredibly hard in the panties he'd put on before bed that it was almost painful. "Are you alright?" Hyunjin asked quietly. "I don't know," Jeongin moaned against Hyunjin's throat, trying to decide if he should be bold and rut against Hyunjin. He'd gotten his stitches out a few days prior, but Chan had told him to take it slow so that he wouldn't risk breaking open any of his wounds. "I h-had... had a dream."

"A bad one?" Hyunjin pressed, his hands stroking soothingly at Jeongin's hair. His fingers caught several times in Jeongin's sleep rumpled strands, and the tugging did nothing to make the hardening of his dick leave. "No," Jeongin shook his head. "A good one, it was so good. Sir... do we... do we have any like, plugs?" Hyunjin leaned away from Jeongin, staring at Jeongin in confusion, "Plugs...?" Jeongin blushed hard, "For like. Down there." Hyunjin was sitting up in an instant, his face unreadable. Jeongin was slightly afraid he'd overstepped a rule he'd forgotten about, or upset Hyunjin somehow. But after several moments Hyunjin spoke,

"I'm not sure if you're ready for that." "I feel ready," Jeongin insisted. "Please sir, I'll be really good, or I'll try to. Please?" "Now begging is impolite," Hyunjin scolded lightly. "But because you're such a good boy, and begging is acceptable in some matters, I'll consider it. As for right now I'm afraid you'll have to take a cold shower for your... problem. I have work." Jeongin gaped at Hyunjin as the Dom rolled from the bed and headed for his closet. He knew, however, that if he planned on getting what he wanted then he had to be extra good. No questioning or trying to hint towards another way, he couldn't risk irritating Hyunjin, "Yes, sir."

"You'll be doing some form of school work in my office, yes?" Hyunjin asked. "Or will you at least be joining me?" "Yes sir..." Jeongin murmured, sitting up and chewing on his lip. It earned him a warm smile from Hyunjin, "Now come kiss me before you shower. Actually, I'll join you in the bathroom and we'll brush our teeth first. I am not at all a fan of morning breath." They brushed their teeth and Jeongin got into the shower as Hyunjin dressed in the bedroom and left to his office. Jeongin was so unbearably hard and so very much wanted to cum but he knew that Hyunjin didn't give him permission, Hyunjin had told him that he was to take a cold shower. To get rid of the stiffy the hard way. Once Jeongin was washed, softy, and dressed, he made his way to Hyunjin's office. Planting himself on the sofa he grabbed a folder that Hyunjin gave him full of school work he was to do.

They had talked about school a few days prior and decided that Jeongin was to be homeschooled, a tutor coming in once a week to go over important stuff then to leave Jeongin to do a butt load of homework. His arse clenched around emptiness, remembering the feeling of being full from the dream. He dozed off in his own mind for a while before Hyunjin grunted, staring at his computer screen. Jeongin looked up from his work, brows pulled together, "What's wrong?" "He says there's almost nothing more he can do. The press has a right to publish what they want if they get pictures. He can only... limit what they put, but that doesn't stop them from slandering me in their papers," Hyunjin explained, leaning back to look at his computer screen. Then to Jeongin. "Oh, I'm sorry." "Don't be. I'm done with what I have to do for now. Do you want to go and get a plug that you wanted? From the store, I want you to choose your own. Maybe we can get your collar while we're out as well," Hyunjin told Jeongin, already standing. Jeongin closed his folder and put it back on the side table.

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