♡ onze ♡

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Jeongin was still cuddled against Hyunjin the next morning, but Hyunjin's alarm went off and the Dom eventually untangled himself from the smaller boy's limbs so he could roll out of bed. Jeongin sat up immediately, gathering blankets around himself to keep the chill of the room away. He pursed his lips out in a little pout, one that made Hyunjin arch a brow.

"You really should get up to get in the habit of waking up for school," the Dom informed him, and Jeongin's face fell a bit. He was not looking forward to school at all. "Yes sir," he sighed, but he snuggled further into the blankets. "Do you have anything specific you want me to wear today?" "Something warm, clearly, judging by how you're burrowing into those blankets," Hyunjin murmured idly as he turned and stepped into his own closet.

Jeongin tossed off the blankets and scurried, in just his boxers and t-shirt, to his closet as well. He decided that something warm would be a pair of tights and one of Hyunjin's large jumpers. When he shyly walked back out of the closet, Hyunjin was pulling a black turtleneck sweater over his head, one that made Jeongin's mouth water a bit. He was, however, disappointed that he couldn't see Hyunjin's neck. He very much liked the tendons there. Hyunjin smiled at Jeongin when he finally looked at him.

"Is this okay?" Jeongin squeaked hopefully. "It's very nice," Hyunjin approved. "I like you in my clothing. It was a good decision to put those jumpers in there." The sub blushed, and Hyunjin walked over to cup his face in one hand as his other arm wrapped possessively around Jeongin's waist. He brushed their lips together, and Jeongin shivered, but it wasn't from the cold.

Jeongin lowered his gaze down to Hyunjin's firm chest, and when he spoke his voice was soft, "What are we doing today?" "I have work again," Hyunjin told him. "A bit earlier than normal, so I won't be there for breakfast." Jeongin's eyes widened. If Hyunjin wasn't going to be at the table with him but Changbin was going to be, then Jeongin didn't feel like going to breakfast either.

Without thinking he shook his head quickly, "No, please! Come to breakfast, I-" "Pardon me?" Hyunjin began sternly. "What was that you just said? Did you say no?" Jeongin felt Hyunjin seize his chin firmly, forcing Jeongin to meet his gaze, and Jeongin finally choked, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, sir. I'm just scared because Changbin and-" Hyunjin's expression softened considerably then, "Before you tried to speak against what I was saying, I was going to ask if you would like to join me for breakfast in my office. Now I'm not so sure."

"I'll be good," Jeongin gasped automatically, gazing at Hyunjin sincerely. He knew how much Hyunjin preferred eye contact rather than being shied away from. "Very good for you sir, I'm sorry. I won't disobey or be loud." Hyunjin examined him for a few moments, but then he nodded, "Very well. You may join me." Jeongin kissed Hyunjin's jaw happily, hugging his Dom, "Thank you, sir. Thank you so much." Hyunjin gently hugged him back, but then he patted Jeongin's bum,

"Get something to preoccupy yourself, pet, because I can't have any distractions today." And that was how Jeongin found himself seated on the couch in Hyunjin's office, eating beans and toast and doing an essay about his Christmas break. He mainly jotted down possible opening paragraphs, making sure to include how he'd been matched. How he had been matched with Hyunjin.

The first time I opened up my letter that told me about my Dominate, I never imagined anyone like Hyunjin. Yes, I could see that he was a stunningly handsome man; long black hair, gorgeous brown eyes, and incredibly fit. I was scared though. I was scared because he was twenty-six, I'm only twenty, and because the letter said Hyunjin was incredibly high maintenance.

He is that, he expects a lot from me but it's things that are good for me, he expects what will make me a better person and I don't think he'll ever take me for granted. I've only known him for a few weeks now but I have come to love him so much. He takes care of me, and I wish with all of my being that I can be a better submissive for him, because I am terrified that I'm not good enough. I'm terrified that he will leave me.

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