♡ vingt-huit ♡

891 14 1

Hyunjin and Jeongin stayed with the babies for as long as the nurse let them, which was about the time span of an hour. The Dom simply stroked the soft fuzz of their little heads and listened to Jeongin ramble on to them, his voice soft and enamored. "We didn't even get your room painted yet Little Fuzzies, or set up for that matter," the boy cooed. "But um... sir, will we have it set up by the time they come home?" "Mhmm," Hyunjin agreed. "They'll have a place ready for them when they get to come home."

Jeongin tilted his head, examining Seongmin while Hyunjin held a pinky up to Sonmi's foot, in awe at the fact that his littlest finger was twice the size of his baby girl's foot. The sub touched the back of his neck in confusion however, pushing at his collar a little, "They don't have... their Dom or sub markings, those aren't there?" "They fade in," Hyunjin frowned. "You can kind of see the start of them, the swirls. They just aren't colored yet. We'll know soon enough. Until then, we might have to get your tutor back in fairly quickly if you've already forgotten these things." "And our babies?" "I can take care of our babies while you learn," Hyunjin chuckled.

"They're much more interesting than my emails." Jeongin cracked a small smile, his heart swelling for both his babies and his Dom. But then their baby boy woke up extremely unhappy, squirming weakly with his little arms hitting his tubes, and the nurse quickly and nervously asked them to leave. "You can come back in two hours, but we do need a bit of time to work and make sure they're receiving everything they need," she explained. And so it was with a heavy heart that Hyunjin wheeled Jeongin away, having to be helped by another nurse so that Jeongin's IV pole wouldn't tip. As Hyunjin helped Jeongin move onto the bed, the nurse had him lean forward so she could remove Jeongin's epidural. She gave Jeongin two little pills in replacement for his pain control and told him to call if they needed to up his dosage. Jeongin didn't seem to care much about his pain, simply playing with the scratchy hospital blanket.

Before Hyunjin even got the chance to talk to the boy, Dr. Gianni entered the room with some sort of folder in his hands. "Mr. Hwang and Mr. Yang, we've got a little bit more paperwork for you to fill out," he said. "Although I understand this is probably the last thing you want right now. However, I have also received you a copy of some of our records, basically something parents like to put in baby books or other things like them. It just has the birth date, time, weight, and measurements for the babies as well as their little footprint ink stamps.

Jeongin instantly thrust his hand out eagerly for the folder, and the man lifted an eyebrow as he looked to Hyunjin. Hyunjin took the paperwork but simply motioned for the doctor to hand over the folder with their babies' information to Jeongin. Jeongin was the one who had been received the worst end of things, had wanted these babies for so long, so Hyunjin figured Jeongin should get to see the folder if he wanted the folder.

He did sit next to him, though, to look himself. Female 1:45p.m 2.11 LBS 13.3 IN 1 Brown Hair Blue Eyes Male 1:49p.m 3.1 LBS 14.1 IN 4 Brown Hair Brown Eyes At the bottom of each identification column was their babies' tiny little footprints, and Jeongin lightly touched both ink marks with his fingertips. "When will I be able to hold them?" Jeongin whispered. "As soon as they're breathing, eating, and managing their own body heat,"

Dr. Gianni assured. "Until then we of course will allow you to visit. Being an NICU hospital we have rooms made for parents who aren't quite willing to leave their babies just yet, but Jeongin based on how well you're up and moving around soon will tell us how soon you can go home. I estimate in a day or two, maybe three or four tops. Also, I've given you the forms to apply for their birth certificates. We'll send those in for you, and I'm sure they'll be completed and returned to us for our records so you could just pick them up here if you would like?"

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