♡ vingt-quarte ♡

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By eighteen weeks, it could no longer be hidden that Jeongin was pregnant. Even Hyunjin's baggy jumpers, although they weren't quite tight over Jeongin's bump yet, bulged out with Jeongin's belly. The younger boy couldn't keep his hands off of it, always stroking or holding the firm skin. Felix became infatuated with Jeongin's stomach as well, cooing over it and patting it whenever he could.

In fact, Jeongin was certain that Felix touched Jeongin's tummy more than Hyunjin did, but he couldn't blame his Dom. Hyunjin was trying, was still adjusting to the idea of the babies, and Jeongin was simply glad that they would be having them in the first place. It was a few days after Jeongin had reached eighteen weeks, and he was safely and happily in his second trimester. Hyunjin and Jeongin were in the living room with Chan and Felix sitting in with them as well to watch a movie. Hyunjin of course, was emailing people, but Jeongin had talked him into coming out of his office so that Jeongin could cuddle into him on the couch while the older man worked on his laptop.

Jeongin had grown accustomed to taking short naps throughout the day ever since his fifteenth week, as he was finding that it was harder to fall asleep at night, more uncomfortable, and so as the movie continued he gradually started to fall asleep against Hyunjin's shoulder. Or, he was until Hyunjin swore. "You have to be fucking kidding me." Jeongin jolted awake, instantly sitting up off from where he'd practically been laying against Hyunjin's side,

"S-sorry, I didn't-" The Dom looked to Jeongin in confusion, but Chan supplied, "I don't think he was upset about you falling asleep on him, Jeongin." "Oh, you were sleeping, shit. Sorry. You can sleep, pet, I need to talk to Chan about something," Hyunjin ran his hands over his face. Jeongin could clearly see that Hyunjin was irritated, and he felt like it was his job to soothe his Dom. So rather than leaning back against the older man to drift back off again, he lightly touched Hyunjin's arm.

"Is everything okay, sir?" "Mmhm," Hyunjin's face softened a bit, and he reached out to stroke Jeongin's hair. "Don't worry about it, just nap or watch your movie. Chan, can we talk in the dining room?" Chan nodded, and Hyunjin sat his laptop on the coffee table before he stood and left Jeongin on the couch. It was immediately colder without Hyunjin's warm and solid body, and Jeongin frowned as he watched his Dom leave the room. Felix jumped up and hurried over, sitting next to Jeongin and smiling at Jeongin's tummy.

"What are they doing in there, do you think?" Jeongin giggled, rubbing his belly softly but moving his hands for Felix to touch as well, "Well they're the size of sweet potatoes. That's probably why I'm so noticeable. They're supposed to be yawning and stretching and stuff in there, wiggling around too. Sometimes I think I might be feeling them but... it also might just be gas bubbles or something because you'd think that I would know for sure if I felt one of them." As Felix rubbed at Jeongin's belly, Jeongin attempted to pick up on what Hyunjin and Chan were saying in the other room. They were speaking too low, however, and Jeongin gave up as Felix spoke again.

"It is okay if I touch your tummy, right? It doesn't freak you out or anything?" Jeongin shook his head instantly, "Of course not! You're my friend, I don't mind you touching my belly." "And Hyunjin? I don't want to make him mad or make him think I'm like... flirting with you. I don't want to get you in trouble either!" Felix chewed his bottom lip. "He won't get mad," Jeongin promised. "He trusts you, you earned his trust the moment you... well, you've earned his trust."

Felix had betrayed his own Dom to protect Jeongin, it was what Jeongin was trying to hint at, but he didn't like to talk about it, and Felix had a new Dom. He didn't need to be reminded of his old Dom. Jeongin would still have the occasional nightmare from the day if the incident, or from both incidents involving him. Sometimes Hyunjin would never come back from being questioned, would end up arrested or something, and Jeongin would be stuck being tortured by Brandon. Or Hyunjin would come down as Jeongin was caned, prepared to go to Jeongin's aid only for Brandon to turn the cane on him instead. He hadn't told Hyunjin about the dreams, but when he would wake up sweaty and shaking, panting against Hyunjin's chest, Jeongin would claim he couldn't even remember what had happened. Hyunjin came back into the room then, Chan following behind him, and Felix hurried back over to Chan to shyly worm his way against Chan's side, sneaking a quick kiss to the Dom's jaw.

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