♡ vingt-six ♡

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Hyunjin had thought about it. He'd thought about it long and hard, only not about whether or not he wanted to do it, because he would do it in a heartbeat, but about the outcome it would bring from the public. He'd been single for thirty-two years, and when he'd been matched with Jeongin everything had blown up. Paparazzi followed him everywhere, even more so than they had, and with the news about their babies things hadn't changed. And yet Hyunjin still wanted it. He still wanted to propose to Jeongin.

He used to think that marriage was something he wouldn't have time for, he had never felt the need to be married. Before Jeongin, he always figured that if he was matched with a sub then he would take care of that sub and that he would most likely love him, but again that was before Jeongin. He had no idea that Jeongin would be his world, his light, his universe. Yet Jeongin had crept in all blue eyed, soft, and shy, and somehow he melted Hyunjin's heart and broke down the Dom's walls. All things but Jeongin ceased to be important. Even his job, which had once been his pride and joy, the thing he devoted everything he had to, was no longer as relevant to him as the small curly haired boy that could win Hyunjin over with a crinkly eyed smile or a shyly induced cuddle. Hyunjin wanted to marry him. Everyone would know then that Jeongin was his and he was Jeongin's. He didn't give a shit about what other people thought, but he did want himself and Jeongin to be able to leave the house upon occasion, so he figured that when he proposed it would be in his best interest to not let the paparazzi see or spread the news before they were ready. However, Hyunjin wasn't quite sure how to go about the procedure. He didn't necessarily want to look for rings with Jeongin, because he didn't want Jeongin to know what he was planning. It would also be less noticeable to look for rings on his own without his pregnant sub.

Jeongin's tummy was highly noticeable.

And so when Jeongin was twenty-three weeks pregnant and preoccupied by playing Mario kart with Felix, Hyunjin turned to the person who had helped him greatly in the past. "Chan, can we talk in the kitchen?" Hyunjin requested. Chan nodded and gently slid Felix from his lap, kissing the blonde's head. Both Dom's had been reading, or in Hyunjin's case pretending to read as he thought about how to propose to Jeongin. The sub looked up from his game in slight concern, but Hyunjin offered him a reassuring smile and he went back to his game. The dark haired Dom led the way to the kitchen, Chan following close behind him. Hyunjin only hoped that Chan could give him some sort of advice. As he turned to face the other man, Chan was already looking a tad concerned. "Everything okay?" he asked. "You don't have to make another trip, do you? And if you do you really should take Jeongin because-" "No other trips," Hyunjin assured softly, and he ran his hand nervously over his hair. "But... I want to do something. Something big."

"Are Felix and I being kicked out?" Chan's face grew more concerned. "No!" Hyunjin said immediately. "Goodness, no. Nothing like that. I just, like. I want to propose." Chan blinked in confusion, "Propose an idea... a toast?" "To Jeongin," Hyunjin whispered. "I want to propose to Jeongin." The doctor's eyes grew large, but then his entire face lit up as he clapped Hyunjin on the shoulder, "That is big! And fantastic! That's wonderful Hyunjin, I'm very happy for you both." "Well I haven't asked him yet, so we shouldn't get our hopes up," Hyunjin pointed out. "He can't deny me as a Dom really, but he could deny me as a husband."

"Jeongin would never be able to deny you anything, what are you talking about?" Chan scoffed. "You went on a trip for like a day and a half without him and he was miserable because he missed you so much." Hyunjin gave a slight smile, "Yeah, well he's pregnant and hormonal, it's probably the only reason." Chan shook his head in disagreement, "He has a very strong... emotional attachment to you." "But anyway," Hyunjin said quickly, trying to keep a blush from his cheeks. He never blushed, especially in front of others.

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