♡ seize ♡

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Jeongin had thought that his and Hyunjin's relationship couldn't be made stronger by sex, he had figured it would stay the same, simply with sexual happenings involved. But he had been so wrong. Jeongin hadn't known that sex with Hyunjin could make him love his Dom so much more, but it had. Or really, it wasn't the sex, although that had showed him further just how much he could trust Hyunjin to take care of him.

It was more of the after that made his love grow, grow in amounts he didn't know were possible to grow more in. Hyunjin had just been so unbearably sweet to him after, holding him, kissing him giving him a bath before he swaddled him up in a soft towel and carried him to the bed to dry him off so he could dress him further. Hyunjin had apparently had the sheets replaced while they had bathed, and they were soft and warm and much cozier when Jeongin's Dom crawled into them as well to snuggle the sub. Several days had passed since then, and whereas they'd had sex the morning after with Jeongin's hands tied gently to the bedposts, since then their sex lives had been fairly boring.

Jeongin had hoped that after they passed the virginity complication that they'd be fucking non-stop, but Hyunjin was growing increasingly busier as the magazines seemed to blow up even more. Hyunjin had turned down an interview with Mark Lee, he didn't want to address the public. That apparently made him a shoe-in for being the person who had caned Jeongin into the broken state Hyunjin had rescued him from. But it was not Hyunjin's job to please Jeongin twenty-four seven, and Jeongin knew that. However, he did consider it his own job to make sure that Hyunjin was happy, and he did everything in his power to do that. He sat on the couch and quietly did homework when Hyunjin needed it, he consoled Hyunjin when Hyunjin was growing angrier and angrier, and he would more often than not sit on Hyunjin's lap and rub Hyunjin's chest soothingly if Hyunjin wasn't too busy with his work. On this particular day, there weren't many magazines talking about Hyunjin being an abusive Dom, and Jeongin happily showed Hyunjin after he had hurriedly retrieved the magazine downstairs before scurrying back to his Dom.

He still hated going around the house alone. "Look, Sir," Jeongin hummed, showing him the cover of the magazine he held in his hands. "Nothing about you." "Good," Hyunjin grunted. "Maybe my piece of shit lawyer actually did his job." Jeongin slowly removed the magazine from the desk, "Does that mean you don't have to do a lot of emails today?" The Dom's eyebrow lifted as he looked to Jeongin, "Why...?" Jeongin blushed slightly, "I was hoping we could go downstairs for lunch? And we can... watch a movie or something." Hyunjin's eyes flitted back onto his laptop, and his facial expression wasn't immediately readable for Jeongin, "What movie did you have in mind?" "Anything really, you can pick one," Jeongin insisted.

"I don't watch movies." Jeongin's face fell and he clasped his hands together behind him, turning to walk ashamedly back over to his couch. "So I'll let you pick the movie instead." Jeongin could see that Hyunjin gave Jeongin a fond look as the sub's face lit up gleefully, and he scrambled back over to Hyunjin to lean and quickly kiss Hyunjin's cheek, "Thank you, sir! Do you want me to... I can maybe-" Jeongin thought about the day before when he had sucked Hyunjin off under Hyunjin's desk while Hyunjin had attempted to work, but Hyunjin had ended up slamming his laptop closed to seize Jeongin's hair and cum down his throat before he yanked Jeongin out from under the desk, dumped him on top of it, and fingered him to a noisy orgasm.

"That's quite alright, I've got plans for later," Hyunjin told him, and it made Jeongin's stomach give a little flutter of excitement. He was prepared for bigger things, things like maybe spanking and maybe even a paddle. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was taking things unbearingly slow. But Jeongin thought that perhaps it was just a build-up. He knew for a fact that his Dom was not some vanilla sex Dom.

They'd gradually get into the sex they'd been paired for. Jeongin sat patiently on the couch while he waited for Hyunjin to finish whatever he was doing, and eventually Hyunjin stood and stretched. Jeongin stood quickly, "Lunchtime?" "Patience, Jeongin," Hyunjin said sternly. "Sorry," Jeongin squeaked quickly, trying to remain patient as he waited for Hyunjin to lead the way. His Dom crossed the room to the office door, opening it and waving for Jeongin to join him. Jeongin scurried to his side, and Hyunjin informed him, "It's only 10am, so we'll wait until at least noon until we have lunch, yes?" "Yes sir," Jeongin nodded in agreement. They exited the room then, Hyunjin leading the way and Jeongin pressing close behind him. The two headed downstairs and into the living room, and Hyunjin plopped down on the couch and patted his lap for Jeongin to come sit. The sub did so immediately, curling up on Hyunjin's lap in a well-practiced fashion.

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