Chapter 1: Demi's Secret

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Chapter 1: Demi's Secret.

    Heather roamed the halls of Shadow High, heading to the attic to be alone. Ever since the events of Rainbow Vision, Naomi and Veronica had been a bit stressful to hang out with. After being beaten by another school yet again, they were being extra harsh on everyone and Heather was tired of hearing them criticize how she didn't try hard enough to prank Rainbow High, despite her doing her best with her hacking skills and never getting caught.
    As she cracked the attic door open though, she was shocked to find Demi biting into a dead rat with blood-soaked fangs that looked sharper and longer than the ones she wore with her Rainbow Vision vampire costume. She couldn't help but scream. This reminded her of a scene from one of her grandfather's favorite vampire movies that she loved as a kid, except this time, it was with one of her friends, and the blood looked very real.
    Demi turned around and gave Heather a panicked expression, as if Heather had seen something she wasn't meant to see. "This had better be special effects makeup, but if it isn't you had better tell me what is going on!", Heather demanded, trying to emulate Naomi's confidence and intimidating tone, despite being terrified by what she was seeing.
    Before Demi could give her a response though, Heather thought that Demi looked just like an actress from an old black and white vampire movie she had watched as a kid that her grandfather claimed came from a real monster world. She distinctly remembered the cover having a distinct 'Monster High' label on it and she remembered her grandfather calling the lead actress the most unrealistic name she had ever heard: Elissabat. Demi was the perfect mirror image of that actress, same face, same dark hair, and even a similar, gothic fashion sense.
    Before Heather could point this out, Demi mumbled something about it being just a costume. But Heather couldn't miss this chance to ask Demi about the resemblance. "Um, Demi. You remind me of this one actress from this movie my grandpa showed me as a kid. He said that her name was Elissabat, and I don't remember too many details, but the movie had this distinct Monster High label. I could never find any information about that label or the studio behind it. Maybe its just a coincidence that you look like her though."
    Upon hearing Heather's words, Demi's face paled and her expression turned completely serious as she stared at Heather in horror. "Look, you saw the blood, you saw the fangs, and you just mentioned my real name that nobody has called me in decades.", Demi said in her strong Transylvanian accent, her tone now completely serious.
    "The truth is that I am a vampire. I dimension travelled through the Monster High mirror portal system to even be in your dimension. And if you look through all the old Shadow High yearbooks from decades ago, I have been a student here for far longer than even the Storm Twins. I was there when the MGA gods first claimed this dimension from the Mattel gods. I was stuck here for decades after escaping the tragedy of the Monster High reboot of 2016, unable to die, unable to age, unable to go back. You don't know my pain or how much of myself that I constantly have to hide from everyone."
    Heather couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had always thought that monsters weren't real, that they were just made up creatures for people to make horror movies about. But the seriousness and sadness in Demi's voice told her that she wasn't lying. Demi really was the same Elissabat she had watched in that movie all those years ago, and the mention of Monster High confirmed her suspicion about the situation.
    Demi then looked sadly at the mysterious, cursed, mirror at the back of the Shadow High attic that every student feared. Nobody knew how it got into their school, it was too heavy to move, it didn't match the aesthetic of any of the other furniture at Shadow High, and the carved, tarnished silver frame was covered in weird, foreign, symbols that not even the brightest students at Shadow High could decipher.
    The weirdest thing of all though, was that when Demi looked in the mirror, Elissabat's black and white reflection stared back at her. Despite going to an Art High School, Demi had shown an extreme phobia of mirrors, to the point where she was a master at doing her own makeup without the use any sort of reflective surface. Nobody could figure out how Demi did it, but now, Heather knew why.
    Demi then turned back to Heather, "Now that you know who I am, I don't want you to tell anyone, especially not the Storm Twins. You know from personal experience how Veronica loves to analyze people to figure out their secrets and weaknesses, and how Naomi knows how to intimidate people beyond normal means."
    "And if you want to help me out, I have been trying to restore the portal. Ever since I started hanging out by the mirror portal, I swear that I can hear the voice of my cousin, Draculaura, her real, original, self. I have been recovering more memories and visions of that world, and I feel like she is waiting for me, calling out to me. I don't know what the Mattel gods did to that world and how it is now, but I have been waiting decades to see her again."
    "And why do you need my help?", asked Heather.
    "The mirror can only be powered by monster energy. The crystals that contain that energy, are not only worth a fortune, but contain the dormant monster energy used to power the mirror.", Demi sighed. "I tried purchasing them myself, but they are ridiculously expensive at that one crystal shop near the school. I know that the Twins have the money for them, and maybe you can convince them to fund the portal project, since you are closer to them and they see you as a friend."
    Heather shook her head, "The Storm Twins only fund personal projects when they can either gain something from it, or if it benefits Shadow High's reputation in a good way. Your story may sound unbelievable by their standards, so you may have to prove it to them, or tempt them with the chance to prove Shadow High's superiority to yet another school if the portal actually works. Look, I'll try to convince them, but you may have to prove your story as well. We'll meet tomorrow at their dorm room after class. Make sure that Eliza and Lola don't notice you meeting with them, or they could spread rumors."
    Demi nodded, dreading the next day. If she failed to convince the Twins, they could spread information that would expose her identity or make her look insane and delusional to all her Shadow High peers.

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