Chapter 6: Who does this mummy think she is?

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Chapter 6: Who does this mummy think she is?

    On Saturday afternoon, it was finally the Twins' turn to enter the portal. During the week, they had heard so many interesting stories from Heather and Demi about what was behind it.
    Heather even had a notebook full of notes about all the monster species, probably from asking them too many personal questions so that she could compare their monster traits to those of the horror movie monsters that she had grown up watching.
     Heather was waiting for them when they entered the attic, and handed them each a sample of Demi's blood to keep in a secret compartment in their purses to mask their human scent.
     "Whatever you do over there, don't let them know that you are human. They hate normies. And I'm warning you: DON'T BULLY THE MONSTERS! They may have questionable fashion sense, but Headless Headmistress Bloodgood is much stricter with anti-bullying stuff than the Headmistress over here is. And if you two get caught and she realizes that you are normies, you don't want to find out what could happen."
    Once they got the perfectly secured blood samples into their purses, they held hands and entered the now active portal. Cold, purple and green mist around them, reflecting on their silvery jewelry and on Naomi's shiny, iridescent, thigh-high boots.
    Then they found themselves in a dusty, abandoned attic, the one from Demi's pictures. They still couldn't believe that this place was actually real.
    As they wondered the annoyingly brightly colored halls, they couldn't help but laugh at how bad these monsters' fashion sense was. It was even worse than they suspected.
    Almost everyone wore ugly, generic looking, sneakers or combat boots. The colors of their clothes were bright and garish with an annoying amount of pink. There was an annoying abundance of graphic t-shirts and hoodies.
    And the brightly colored phenotypes and freakish features on most of these monsters made them look even weirder. The monster features on these 'ghouls and mansters', as Demi had called them, made Eliza's special effects work look amateur by comparison.         They were starting to think that these monsters were real and not a result of special effects makeup or lighting.
    Suddenly, the werewolf in the ugly purple overalls who had purple highlights in her curly, light brown hair started walking up to them, clearly eyeing Naomi's fur coat. The Twins gave each other an annoyed look, as they could not stand the sight of this ghoul's atrocious fashion sense. The werewolf was also wearing a tacky looking purple fur vest and even her purple painted claws looked short and basic compared to their long, clawlike, perfectly painted, acrylic nails. Purple looked way better on them than this ghoul anyways and they just wanted her out of their sight at this point.
    "That fur coat is so bootiful! Where do you even get a coat like that? And that headband is adorable. Love the spikes. Are you vampires related to Draculaura by chance? I'm Clawdeen by the way!", Clawdeen said excitedly while the Twins forced a smile despite their instinct to cringe at this ghoul's very existance. She reminded them of the more unpleasant people from Rainbow High, like the inferior Madison Twin, Sunny Madison.
    Naomi sighed, "Why thank you! This coat is from a very expensive designer brand and I doubt you could even afford it! And no, we don't need your help.", Naomi said, faking a sweeter tone of voice to get the werewolf to stop bothering them and not raise suspicion.
    Clawdeen looked a bit annoyed herself now, as if she could sense something off about the Twins. "Okay... I'll be on my way then. Sorry to bother you.", Clawdeen said, clearly embarrassed by her inferior fashion sense.
    As they strutted into the hallways leading into Creeperteria, partially lost in their own thoughts, they heard someone suddenly scream, "Oh my Ra!".
    The angry ghoul in front of them looked very Egyptian, as if she had stepped out of a museum display. Her long, straight, lapis lazuli blue hair had shiny strands of gold in it, and part of it was pulled back by a gold headband resembling a headdress. She wore a surprisingly fashionable outfit that consisted of a turquoise dress with an Egyptian pattern on it and gold trim. Her body was partially covered in gold mummy wrappings and she wore enough shiny, gold Egyptian jewelry to blind a person. Even her heeled knee high boots looked like they were made of mummy wraps.
    She looked annoyed as she picked up her phone with a gold case from where she had dropped it.
    "How dare you bump into me and make me drop my phone like that! I almost spilled my Mummy Mocha on my dress as well! This dress is worth a fortune, you know!", the mummy said angerly, in a overdramatic tone that reminded the Storm Twins of Laurel and Holly Devious, as she fixed them with her unnatural gold eyes.
    "We don't know who you think you are, but we did not mean to bump into you.", Naomi said, her voice a bit annoyed.
    "Really Versace? You think I'll just forgive you that easily? And just so you know, I'm Cleo De Nile, second in line for the De Nile family throne, and actual Egyptian royalty. Nobody crosses paths with me and gets away with it.", Cleo said in an entitled tone, as turquoise blue scarab beetles came out of her mummy wraps and started flying around her as if protecting her.
    Veronica popped her gum nervously.
    "And you think I don't see you Chanel? You think popping your gum will intimidate me? I don't scare that easily, you know. I also happen to be quite proficient in Egyptian Curses...", Cleo continued. She then began to recite something in Egyptian, as if trying to curse the Twins.
    A pink sea monster with yellow hair with colorful pastel-colored streaks wearing an obnoxiously brightly colored sporty outfit then walked up to Cleo, "Is everything okay, Cleo? I heard you cursing someone...".
    At her friend's arrival, Cleo hastily stopped her chant before it was complete, looking a bit annoyed and embarrassed that the pink ghoul had witnessed that.
    The pink ghoul's brown eyes were then drawn to the Twins' nails and makeup, and as if forgetting all social cues, she said, "I don't know who you are, but your claws look clawsome! Can you make ghouls and mansters bleed with them? And how do you do your eyeshadow? The colors are so bootiful! I wish that I could get a perfect pastel rainbow gradient like that!"
    The Twins gave Cleo and the new ghoul a confused and slighty horrified look.
    Cleo gave an annoyed sigh, "That is just my friend, Lagoona Blue. She's new here from Honduras and hasn't been on land for long. I hope you can forgive her for being such a fish out of water."
    The Twins decided to not make matters worse and nodded.
    "And since you are so curious, yes these nails can make people bleed. We have a friend who is very much into nail art and does them for us. And we do our own makeup, even if it takes quite a bit of time in the morning to get the gradient just right.", Veronica explained.
    "Well, I have to agree with Lagoona on this. Your nails really are bootiful. And I'm sorry for judging your clothes. They just look way too good for this school, I guess, and I'm not used to anyone else having good fashion sense like me.", Cleo said, suddenly holding an Ancient Egyptian organ jar that she had pulled out of her purse.
    "Cleo is a good ghoul, but she gets mean and weird when she is away from her heart for too long. I'm sorry if she tried to curse you earlier.", Lagoona explained.
    "Well, class ended, and we are heading back to my dorm to finish our lunch. You two are welcome to follow us if you like. And don't worry, my dorm is clean, and way nicer than the Creepateria. But just know that if you try to steal anything from my dorm, you will get a million Egyptian curses placed upon you."
    "By the way, what are your names?", Cleo asked, as they walked to the dorm area together.
    "I'm Naomi, and my twin sister is Veronica. Judging from your Versace and Chanel comments earlier, it seems that you have been able to differentiate our styles and tell them apart. Or if you want an easier way to tell us apart, I wear the big fur coat and Veronica always wears her hair in pigtails. And my nails are purple while hers are pink. Don't you dare get us confused with each other. Do you understand?", Naomi said, her tone turning more serious.
    "You two aren't the only identical twins here, you know. Toreli has this band, The Hissfits, and Meowlody and Pursephone, who are in that band, are also identical twins. The only way to tell them apart is the fact that one of them has white hair with a small bit of black and the other has black hair with a small bit of white." Cleo explained.
    The Twins nodded. Suddenly an orange werecat in a red leather jacket walked past them and hissed at them. The red color of her hair instantly reminded the Twins of the dyed red shade present in Laurel Devious's brightly colored hair, except this ghoul's hair was so short that it didn't even hit her shoulders. She looked like she was trying to be edgy or something, and they couldn't help but cringe. Veronica even popped her gum while the red-haired werecat turned away from them in annoyance and walked off, her long orange cat tail with brown stripes moving behind her.
    "That's Toreli Stripe. She comes from an elite Monster family. She's very mean and I wouldn't mess with her if I were you.", Lagoona said nervously.
    Once they got to the dorm and pulled up chairs to sit down, they couldn't help but notice how blinding Cleo's room was. Everything that was made of metal was made of a yellow gold that looked and felt real and solid. It had neatly arranged Ancient Egyptian artifacts and a shelf with Cleo's Ancient Egyptian, colorfully painted, organ jars displayed on it. Cleo's walk in closet was full of mostly gold and turquoise Egyptian style outfits, and had a whole wall full of blinding, gold, Egyptian jewelry and headresses with turquouse and red, perfectly cut gemstones that looked like they belonged in a museum display.
    "You two are cool, and maybe we can exchange fashion tips sometime. Do you maybe want to exchange numbers? I don't give just anyone this honor, you know." Cleo said, starting to eat a wrap that she had taken from her gold lunchbox and taking little sips from her Mummy Mocha.
    After thinking about it, the Twins agreed that getting Cleo's number would be a good course of action. If they convinced her that they were friends, they could easily use her for information.
    "Of course. We are honored to be friends with a royal, goregeous ghoul like you.", Veronica said, trying her best to mask the hint of sarcasm in her voice. Luckily, Cleo was so full of herself that she didn't even notice.
    They quickly exchanged numbers and emails in case they ever had to contact each other, as Veronica felt that it was an important strategy to have an ally in this unfamiliar world, and Cleo seemed like a good candidate for that. She was also rich and had decent fashion sense, and they knew from working together with Laurel and Holly during Rainbow Vision, that those specific traits gave them a great advantage in certain tricky situations.
    "And do you guys want to follow me on EekTok? I could really use more people watching my EekToks. I want to be famous someday, but my friends keep getting more views and followers than me despite their boring, basic content.", Cleo said, a bit annoyed at her situation.
    "I'm sorry, we don't have i-Coffins that can get EekTok, but if you want, you can send us the videos through our email. We have a modeling career and don't like people blowing up our phones with texts too much.", Naomi said, trying not to offend Cleo.
    Cleo sighed, a bit disappointed, but said, "I understand. I'll just send any important EekToks through email I guess. You are seriously missing out though. And you do modeling? Aren't you only in high school?"
    The Twins nodded and then Veronica bragged, "We were also on our own TV show before. It was called "Wonder Models" and ran for four seasons. It was just a tween drama though, and it only shown on a small local channel in another country though, so you wouldn't have seen it or heard of it."
    Cleo and Lagoona suddenly went silent, in awe of the Twins' fame and accomplishments. Even if it was only a small bit of fame, they had been on television and had a modeling carreer.
    Cleo was instantly starstruck. No wonder they were so rich, as they were practically celebrities compared to Cleo. They were literally living her biggest dream in unlife. Maybe they could help her get famous on EekTok even. She just knew that she was going to be talking to them about a lot more than just fashion tips.
    Once Cleo and Lagoona had finished their lunches and everyone said goodbye, the Twins left for the Monster High attic and went through the portal after reactivating it using the words engraved on the mirror's edge that Demi and Heather had used. As soon as they arrived back at Shadow High and removed the crystals from the portal, Heather was waiting for them.
    "How did it go? Isn't that school just fascinating?", Heather asked excitedly.
    As the Twins explained what had happened, Heather began to grin. She couldn't help but laugh at the part when they mentioned Lagoona's reaction to their long, clawlike fingernails.
    "And we made an ally over there. Cleo thinks we are her friends and we even got each other's contact information. She was rude at first, but she ended up warming up to us for some reason.", Veronica said proudly.
Heather smiled and said, "I knew you two would like her. She is just as spoiled and rich as you two are anyways."
    The Twins glared at Heather for describing them like that, even though they knew that she wasn't wrong. They then left the attic and returned to their dorms, satisfied on their progress with the portal project so far, and unsurprisingly, Cleo was already sending them her best, kind of cringey, EekToks in their personal emails.

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