Chapter 10: A visit to the Coffin Bean and the arrival of a new foe.

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Chapter 10: A visit to the Coffin Bean and the arrival of a new foe.

    Cleo took Naomi and Veronica to the Coffin Bean during their next weekend visit to the Monster High dimension, but she didn't invite Lagoona or anyone else. She had been wanting to ask them about what it was like to actually be famous and she didn't want her friends to interrupt her or waste the Twins' precious time.
    "So, what do you want to order? Payment is on me.", Cleo said, smiling to herself as the Twins nervously looked over the menu.
    They honestly had no idea what to order. Everything on the menu sounded extremely unhealthy, had weird monster pun names, or just sounded absolutely disgusting.
    "Everything on here sounds great! What would you recommend that is closest to Normie food?", Naomi asked nervously, trying her best to not let Cleo catch onto the fact that they were actually Normies.
    "The coffee here is pretty much the same as it is in the Human World, and so are the crepes, if you use the secret menu that is. I would avoid the screetza though, because they love to add live spiders into it. Deuce's snake cupcakes are simply to die for. I remember when he used to make them for me in my favorite colors every Valentine's day...", Cleo sighed.
    "Is he your boyfriend?", Veronica asked.
    "He's my ex boyfriend. He broke up with me though and has been showing interest in my ghoulfriend Clawdeen... But I'm over him! He can go date Clawdeen for all I care!", Cleo said, her gold eyes showing a hint of frustration.
    "And a big favorite among the vampires here is the Cherry Juice where you can choose how much blood you want in it. Draculaura popularized it by posting it on her Eek-tok, even though she always leaves the blood out of her personal Cherry Juice orders.", Cleo said, gesturing to the Twins, for as far as she knew, they looked like vampires to her.
    "How about two small cups of Cherry Juice with very minimal blood and maybe two vegetarian crepes with no monster ingredients?", Veronica asked as Naomi nodded in agreement at her sister's decision, not wanting to break their cover.
    "Okay. That sounds good.", Cleo said as she got up to order their food. As Cleo walked up to the counter though, she couldn't help but blush, as Deuce was at the counter today. She couldn't help but notice how handsome his face looked, even if he always hid his striking, snake-like green eyes behind his black sunglasses. His snakehawk writhed with life as his snakes moved around his head, watching him work.
    "Oh Cleo, its you! Are you okay?", Deuce asked without looking her in the eyes as he was a Gorgon and had the ability to turn anyone to stone with his eyes, after noticing that Cleo was staring at him. Cleo simply nodded and gave him her order of a Mummy Mocha and a wrap and the Twins' orders of Cherry Juice with very minimal blood and crepes with no monster ingredients.
    As soon as they all got their food and sat down, the Twins looked nervously at it. The crepes looked normal, but the Cherry Juice had a slight blood-red tint to it that didn't look like artificial flavoring.
    Their uncertainty with the juice reminded them of the first time one of their young adult co-stars on "Wonder Models" let them try a small sip of sweet red wine to try to help calm their nerves before a particularly difficult shoot. They didn't get drunk thankfully, but they found the beverage unusually bitter and unpleasant at the time compared to other, non-alcoholic drinks. They also remembered how worried their parents were about the situation once they found out and how their parents bribed everyone on set who knew about it to keep their mouths shut in order to protect their daughters' sweet and innocent public image.
    They sometimes wondered what their parents would think of them if they knew of their many pranks against Rainbow High and the Devious Twins over the years, and if they would punish them for it or just sweep the issue under the rug.
    Together, they took a slow sip of the Cherry Juice. They were surprised at how well the blood was blended into the drink, as it felt as thick as normal juice and not as thick as they had expected it to be with the very minimal addition of the blood. The juice was sweet, but the blood gave it a slight iron taste that weirdly complmented the sweetness. They just knew that next time they got drinks from here, they would probably get the Frappuccino equivalent drink, or whatever it was called, and not anything with blood in it.
    "So, where do they get the blood for the drinks here?", Veronica asked Cleo, hoping that they didn't just drink actual human blood.
    "I think its supplied by dead animals that die of natural causes and then is thoroughly cleansed to where its safe for monster and even Normie digestion. I only know about that because Draculaura did a Mad Science project on it and the whole cleansing process.", Cleo said.
    The Twins sighed in relief. As they started on their crepes, Cleo asked "So, what is it like to be famous? It must feel absolutely spooktacular having everyone know who you are and worship you all the time!", Cleo said excitedly!
    The Twins looked at each other before Naomi said, "Its honestly not as amazing as you say that it is. When we were on "Wonder Models" we could never escape people recognizing us in public, we had to deal with the occasional popperazzi or crazy fan, and we didn't even have that much control over the show. We had to follow a script the whole time, pose and look pretty in various different outfits for our roles, and we played young fashion models who are much sweeter than we are, so we had to act completely different from our normal selves. We also had to keep certain things confidential and could not spread leaked information about the show or our characters."
    "Your Eek-Tok account is different, because you can post whatever you want whenever you want, and you have full control over it. We didn't have that kind of control with being on "Wonder Models", not to mention that its a Tween Drama, so its kind of embarrassing and cringey when anyone recognizes us from the show or accidentally calls us by our characters' names in public. One good thing though, is that the show helped expand our modeling carreer by giving us free publicity.", Veronica continued.
    Cleo was amazed. Even though some of the things that they described sounded a bit annoying to deal with, she was definitely jealous. Having people recognize you in public all the time sounded like a dream to her.
    "How did you get the roles though? How do I get noticed for a big opportunity like that?", Cleo asked.
    "We were simply at the right place, at the right time. We originally only auditioned for it because these nasty rivals of ours were auditioning as well, you know. We actually never expected to beat them with getting the leading twin roles. And we actually had to work for it.", Naomi said.
    "You have rivals?! I wish I was important enough to have a rival!", Cleo said, excitedly, fascinated by hearing the Twins talk about their experiences.
    "They are the nastiest people you could possibly meet and if you ever hear us complain about any lame Normie twins that go by the names Laurel and Holly, that's them. They also have terrible fashion sense and this hair that they would dye in the colors of the rainbow. Not to mention that they are annoying, narcissistic, theater kids whose acting skills were not nearly as good as they claim them to be. Someone had to knock them down a peg.", Veronica said, the sarcasm returning to her voice.
    "Well speaking of Narcissism, I have an older sister who is a Narcissist. Do you guys remember when I mentioned that I am only second in line for the De Nile family throne? Well, my sister, Nefera, is first in line and she is literally the worst ghoul ever. She's mean to me, she constantly has to prove that she's better than me, and she is so insufferable!", Cleo said, her voice getting more angry and dramatic as she spoke.

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