Chapter 3: Getting the Crystals and Planning for Dimensional Travel

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Chapter 3: Getting the Crystals and Planning for Dimensional Travel.

    The next day, the Storm Twins took Demi and Heather out in their jeep to get lunch and retrived the crystals that Demi said they needed. The Twins had already reserved them in advance so that nobody else could get their hands on them or the monster energy contained within them.
    They also had Demi provide blood samples with the help of an expensive private hospital, so that the Twins and Heather could mask their human scent in the Monster High world. They got a well disguised cooler for the samples as well, of course.
    After picking up the crystals from the shop, they stopped at a private, expensive seafood restaurant that the Twins often frequented, reserving a private room so that people couldn't listen in on their plans. As the girls waited for their orders, they took the crystals out of their black, velvet-lined case and observed them. They looked like normal crystals at first, but the more they looked at them, they could see them swirling with a mysterious purple and green energy that seemed to move deep inside them.
    Demi was transfixed. She was amazed that the monster energy in the crystals had been preserved for so long. She gently picked them up and held them in her hands, feeling the warm, familiar monster energy radiating through them. As soon as she saw the waiter approaching with the food though, she put them back in their case, and then put the case in her purse.
    Before they could start eating their food though, the Devious Twins and the Assistant walked into the restaurant, as they were going to a private cast party in the restaurant's party room after an important play that they had finished recently and were still wearing their stage makeup and their rainbow, warm and cool tone colored hair was perfectly styled. The Assistant followed behind them, wearing a black shirt and simple black casual outfut that indicated that he was the head of the lighting crew for the show, his blonde-beige hair swept back and shaved on the sides and his more natural color scheme making Laurel and Holly look tacky and garish by comparison.
    Heather looked nervously at Demi. To them, The Devious Twins were just annoying, spoiled, rich theater kids from Rainbow High. But Heather knew that for Naomi and Veronica, they were the only two people that they could never keep their composure around and that they had an intense rivalry with ever since they were kids. Seeing the Devious Twins and their parents cheat in competitions for years had even gotten Naomi and Veronica themselves into sabatoge. If those twins started arguing, who knew how long they would be there before getting back to the school.
    "Well, if it isn't the 'scared of the daylight' twins and their little group of losers. We feel almost embarrassed being in public with you after your school and Neon Shadow got destroyed during Rainbow Vision! And move! We have a cast party to get to!", Laurel said in her annoying, whiney voice, after they invaded their private room.
    To Heather's dismay, the Storm Twins stood their ground. "Look, we reserved this private room for ourselves, so that neusances like you can't annoy us with your pathetic prescence. Your school didn't win Rainbow Vision either, did they? We recall the Rainbiw Divas being disqualified for breaking competition rules just because their little group had a last second breakup. And everyone was beaten by that stupid K-Pop group, the Royal Three, or whatever they were called from Seoul Select.", Veronica said sarcastically, with a smug tone in her voice, knowing that she was right.
    "At least we don't dress in obnoxiously bright rainbow colors all the time! Do you have any idea how tacky that looks?", Naomi said, the sarcasm and anger in her voice growing stronger the more she spoke.
    "Maybe your schools would have won if only you had worked together like I suggested. It saddens me to see my Muses fighting like this!", The Assistant said dramatically.
    "SHUT UP! You expecting us to get along was stupid to begin with. WE HATE EACH OTHER! What do you not understand!?", both sets of twins yelled at the Assistant.
    Other people were starting to watch the argument, even though they could barely hear it through the glass walls of the room, and the restaurant staff knew not to step in, as the Storm Twins and the Devious Twins were some of their wealthiest customers, and they didn't want to lose business from them.      Before things could escalate further, Heather bravely stepped between both sets of twins.
"Can you guys just stop arguing for once? Naomi, Veronica, we have very important business to attend to. And Laurel and Holly have a cast party to attend. Maybe we should just go our separate ways for now.", Heather said, looking them all in the eye.
    "Okay, fine. But this isn't over...", Naomi said, making a gesture with her hands indicating that she was watching Laurel and Holly while Veronica threateningly popped her gum at them.
    After finishing their food and getting out of there, they continued to talk in the Storm Twins' jeep.
    "What was that all about? "If only you had worked together?" Just how much unfinished Rainbow Vision business do you have with them? And I recall not being able to find you in the audience during several of Rainbow High's and the other schools' performances. Where were you?", Heather asked the Storm Twins.
    Veronica sighed, "Maybe we did a little bit of sabatoge, but nothing too drastic. Laurel and Holly were constantly sabatoging our school's performances, so we needed to give them a taste of their own medicine. And we just wanted Shadow High to win without anyone getting in their way."
    Heather wasn't surprised. The Storm Twins were masters of sabatoge compared to everyone else at Shadow High, and all of their closest peers that were in their inner circle knew it. Their pranks against Rainbow High were legendary enough to make the other Shadow High students jealous. Heather had known that once the special effects during many of the Rainbow Vision performances started going wrong, that they were at least partially responsible for it.
    She only partially blamed them though, because she had seen the Devious Twins out of the corner of her eye during Natasha's Rainbow Vision performance messing with the fog machine. She knew it was them because through the fog, she recognized their distinct rainbow hair and their tacky white and gold and black and silver outfits. For people who liked to sabatoge others on a daily basis, Laurel and Holly stood out like a sore thumb with their rainbow hair and their bright, shiny, clothing choices. At least Naomi and Veronica wore mostly black and hid in the shadows when they were doing their sabatoge. The Storm Twins had also personally warned her about the Devious Twins many times, and reminded her to let them deal with them, because they had more personal experience with them.
    "And that is why you two need a mental health break sometime. Seriously, you can't let some Art High School rivalry make you resort to desperate measures like that.", Heather said with a confidence that she didn't know she had. Demi nodded in agreement.
    "If you had rivals who were targeting you ever since you were 3, you would get it. You would understand the terrible and embarrassing feeling of defeat against them. You would understand why we do what we do. We do it to them because they do it to us. If they stopped bothering us, we would stop bothering them. But alas, they never leave us be.", Naomi sighed.
    Heather nodded. Naomi had a good point there. While she disagreed with the excess of their sabatoge, they had their own, very personal reasons for it. And humans were stubborn creatures, and it was difficult to fix problems or psychological tendencies that tended to stem all the way from childhood. Like how Heather couldn't always tell if Veronica was chewing gum out of nervous habit or to intimidate people with it. She just couldn't help it.
    They couldn't help but be control freaks or come off as cruel at times as well, making many people mispercieve their intentions or actions as being more evil than they actually were. The moment Heather had met them though, she knew better. She had been able to sympathize with them and understand them despite their strong, intense personalities. Ever since they had taken her under their wing, her art had drastically improved under their leadership and they had become like older sisters to her. She honestly couldn't help but look out for the Twins no matter what kind of trouble they got themselves into.

    After returning to the school eventually, they brought everything to the Shadow High attic. They did need the help of Ash and Rexx to haul to cooler up there though, who were both told that the cooler only contained normal beverages. As soon as the boys left, they shut the door and adjusted the lights so that they could see the fine details of the mirror better and nobody would see light coming out from under the attic door.
    Naomi then looked at Demi. "Well, put the crystals in the mirror already. If this doesn't work, you will be in so much trouble.", Naomi commanded, impatience radiating from her voice.
    Demi slowly walked towards the mirror and carefully removed the crystals from their case. The closer she got to the mirror, the brighter the light from the now glowing crystals became. The mysterious symbols on the mirror also took on a pure green glow the closer she got, the tarnish unable to hide the light.
    The other girls watched in awe as Demi carefully placed the now blinding crystals into their slots in the mirror and a mysterious purple and green glowing mist filled the glass of the mirror until it swirled into something resembling a colorful black hole.
    Naomi and Veronica gave each other nervous looks. They had not expected the portal to be real or even function properly, yet it was. They were seeing something that should have been physically impossible.
    Even worse, Demi hadn't used the portal in decades and they all had no idea about the current state of the Monster High dimension. Demi had told them about how in 2016, the whole dimension was rebooted and everyone lost their memories and became completely new versions of themselves. Demi had managed to escape to Shadow High's dimension with some of her memories intact just before her mind got fully reset, saving herself.
    "Well, who is going in that thing, because Veronica and I need to know that it is safe before we even consider going through there.", Naomi said, more nervous than usual.
    Demi looked at the others, and said, "I'll go. I am the most familiar with that world, I was the one who wanted to restore the portal in the first place. I should be the one who goes in first." And with that, the others nodded in agreement.
    And Demi finally stepped through the portal, disappearing into the unknown.

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